Filter projects
Delivering the 3b-generation of LNMO cells for the xEV market of 2025 and beyond
Innovative driver assistance system for smart trams of the future
Alternative drives and their energy supply
Advanced Ablation Characterization and Modelling
Advanced Aluminium Fittings in CFRP tubes
Acoustic durability of noise-reducing dense or semi-dense asphalt pavements
Automated classification of road safety barriers
Aggregate FARming in the CLOUD
Digitisation solutions for Austrian manufacturers
Integration of autonomous air taxis into the overall transport system
Business model and service potential for flexible goods and information flows...
Advanced low power wireless node
Innovative LH2 refueling technologies for climate-neutral aviation
Lifecycle-based asset management approach for transport infrastructure networks
Aluminium und Magnesium Alloys for Future Industrial Application
Integrative approach to measuring and evaluating tunnels
Active Mobility Innovations for Green and Safe City Solutions
Automated Pavement Operation
Connection area of roadway transition structures
Acoustic rail condition monitoring in the Vienna streetcar network
Measuring and monitoring devices for railway assets
fASt and Smart charging solutions for full size URban hEavy Duty applications
Infrastructure for Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility
Automation of work and transport tasks
Autonomous bus line for Vienna
PMD Process for AZ91 magnesium alloy
Battery storage in multimodal operation for ancillary services and network...
A second life for electric vehicle batteries
Climate-friendly batteries for the mobility of tomorrow
Bavarian-Austrian advanced Welding wire Research and Innovation Action
European Forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transport
New job profiles in mobility in the context of automation and digitisation
Scenarios for an effective transformation of digitization
BIPV - Turning buildings into energy producers
Needs-based control of autonomous rail infrastructure
Holistic modernisation concepts for biomass-based district heating networks
Improving public realm and accessibility for BRT stations in Yangon
Co-kreative & sozial-innovative Geschäfts- /Betreiber- und...
Safe and sustainable road maintenance through innovative technologies
Safety through intelligent connectivity
Operation of the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative’s Coordination &...
Co-Evolution of Smart Energy Products and Services
Construction In Vicinities: Innovative Co-creation
Composite Mould Tool Based on 3D Printing
Competitive Methods to protect local Public Administration from Cyber security...
Collision and Overspeed Monitoring and Prevention Assistance System for Tramways
Innovative recycling of sheet metal and thermoplastic composites
Autarkic cooling via building skins
Analysis of the evolution of the costs of research - trends, drivers and impacts
Concreting under traffic
Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of...
Data-based optimisation of metallurgical phenomena
Additive manufacturing by means of DED process of aluminium structures
Optimally Exploiting the Life Cycle of Railroad Bridges
Project - ENABLE DHC
Early detection of desinformation
Decision-Support Tools for Embedding Climate Change Thinking on Roads
online diagnostics for ageing, safety and reuse of lithium-ion batteries
Automated driving in local public transport
Sustainable production of battery cells
Digital Information Models for the Planning and Optimization of Buildings and...
Combining dissimilar materials into components and structures
Platform for intermodal mobility services and technologies
Promoting climate-neutral mobility
Behaviour, needs and wants of automated vehicle users
Driving behaviour and acoustic perception of electric vehicles
Data Space for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities
Use of E-Call data in the context of traffic management
Analysis of safety and practical suitability of small e-vehicles
Development of a new dynamic high speed load model for railway bridges
Approval method for the longitudinal unevenness of road surfaces from the...
Lithium-ion battery for manufacturing in Europe
Emission-reducing Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) with an electric...
Emission-reducing CVT with an electric variator for municipal vehicles
Electric Mobility for Innovative Freight Logistics in Austria
Electric Mobility in L-Category Vehicles for all generations
Development of a modular electric vehicle platform for a commercial truck
Multi-powertrain for heavy-duty vehicles
Uncoupling robot for the automatic marshalling yard
Environmentally friendly casting
European Tertiary Education Register
Electric Vehicle Alert for Detection and Emergency Response
Innovative strength & research excellence for Austria's AI
Functionally Integrated E-axle Ready for Mass Market Third GENeration Electric...
flexible support package for promoting cycling among transportation...
Future Operational Impacts of Electric Vehicles on National European Roads
Safety training in forestry with eXtended Reality methods
Innovative digital assistant for the movement spaces of the future
New concepts for drone services
Generatively Manufactured Aluminium Components for Aviation
The NEFI research project CASCADE is developing concepts for the geothermal...
Development of a high-performance process for AM of large vehicle components
Conception of a cooperatively used inner-city hub for parcel deliveries
Tools for a climate-sensitive urban development
Citizen Observatories for the development of innovative governance processes
Basics for the extended lifetime assessment of noise barrier systems
Optimization of Grinding & Grooving of concrete road surfaces
interregionale Wärmeübertragungsnetze
Halide Solid State Batteries for Electric Vehicles and Aircrafts
European Higher Education Sector Observatory
LNMO||Si/C cells for automotive and aeronautic applications
Highly Porous Cathodes for Lithium Air Batteries
Automated goods handling in logistics and municipal services
Satellite technology for sustainable flood protection
Development of optimized materials for high temperature coils
Automated cargo handling scenarios for logistics centers
DC – AC-DC hybrid grid for a modular, resilient, and high RES-share grid...
Hybrid Propulsion Concept for Small Air Transport
Hybrid Storage for Efficient Processes
webs of innovation and value chains of additive manufacturing under...
Innovative designs and acoustic long-term behaviour of noise barriers
Creating the next generation of 3D simulation means for aircraft icing
Ein flexibler Modellierungsrahmen für die Energiesystemoptimierung
Inter Laboratory Test on measurement methods EN 1793-5 & 6
Innovation and intermodal integration of urban air mobility through experience...
Impact of automated, modular transport units
European aviation research and industry initiative on Hybrid Electric Propulsion
Aircraft advanced rear end and empennage optimisation enhanced by anti-ice...
In-situ methods for testing and quality management of noise barriers
In-depth analysis of climatic impacts on PV systems
Innovative Grinding and Grooving Surfaces
Reducing toxins in PV modules
Innovative Wing Ice Protection System for future Regional Aircraft
Integrated Sputtering of Inexpensive top-layers for Resource-Efficient solar...
Leichtbau und Leichtbaukomponenten
Forschungsbereich 3 – Nachhaltigkeit
Forschungsbereich 1 – Hochleistungswerkstoffe
Innovative and sustainable high voltage Li-ion cells
Intelligent Tramways through Sense, Learn and React
Integrated mobilty nodes
Innovation driven Collaborative European Inland Waterways Transport Network
Joint Austrian In-flight Icing Research Venture 2020+
Climate-resilient urban resource management
Methods for determining dynamic parameters of railroad bridges
Conception of a sustainable, cooperative, two-stage distribution system
Cryogenic recycling of valuable, industrially underused materials
A Foresight Approach
Low-noise tyres for quiet roads
Holistic life cycle assessment of transport infrastructure
Basics for improving load securing on trucks
Effects of dynamic wheel load peaks
Noise protection through vegetation strips along traffic routes
Erfassung und Analyse von dynamischen Lagebildern in Krisenszenarios
Shaping Europe's driverless mobility future proactively
Development of a WAM lightweight Al tank for liquid hydrogen
Lithium Silicides as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Accompanying living lab for the implementation of green-blue infrastructure...
A network of battery experts
Laser Optical Measurement technique for the characterization of particle clouds
Long-term behaviour of asphalt surfaces
Modular Multiscale Modeling for Metal Additive layer Manufacturing
Monitoring of ablative measures to improve grip
Development of a protective inorganic interface for using metallic Mg anodes
Science Mapping zu den Themenfeldern KI und Dekarbonisierung
Next Generation Mission Critical Control Centre solutions for sustainable...
Novel hydrogen tanks as a contribution to decarbonising the transport sector
for Thermal Energy Storage
Structural batteries for future aircraft
Optimization of the lengths of turn-in strips
Digitizing the Toolchain for Metal Part Production
Minimizing impact of construction material flows in cities: Innovative...
Maximum range through efficient thermal management
Mixed Traffic Microsimulation Environment
A Climate-Compatible Alternative for Tomorrow’s Mobility
Smart mobile furniture for the urban public realm
Modal decisions in the logistics sector
Multiphysical sensor technology for optimizing the operation of li-ion batteries
Multi-sensor monitoring and short-term forecasting for major events
Modeling vibration velocity in longitudinal joints of bridges
Mobility and supply in the Region
MULTI-FUNctional performance through multi-material additive manufacturing
Multimodal optimization of the traffic infrastructure by means of an...
Nanomaterials and advanced materials in a circular economy and effects on...
Parametric planning for a sustainable roof
Network for Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Next generation conductive solar foil for flexible photovoltaics
Advanced battery management system for optimized battery usage
Efficient and Affordable Zero Emission Logistics Through Electric Trucks
Next Generation Civil Tilt-rotorcraft
Eliminating VOC from battery manufacturing through dry or wet processing
Evaluation of crossing points using risk-based evaluation procedures
Holistic Green Airports
Optimized noise reduction measures on railroad bridges
Onboard data for the detection of railway track defects
Monitoring of electrolyte decay processes in lithium-ion batteries
Digital Assistance Systems For Process Optimisation in Continuous Aluminium...
Holistic mobility solutions for the urban periphery
Optimised maintenance planning for tunnels
Optimised Electric Network Architectures and Systems
Orchestrating Smart Charging in mass Deployment
Surface structures for innovative low-noise washed concrete road pavements
High-Density Pavement Scanning for Condition Monitoring of Roads
Physical Internet through Cooperative Austrian Logistics
location planning for bike-sharing systems
Foresight for the Austrian Parliament
Social Innovations for Energy Transitions
Novel processing methods for magnesium forming
communication target groups for mobility information
Communication target groups for mobility information
Digital tools for solving metallurgical challenges
Prototypes for validated and automatic mobility surveys with mobile devices
PUlsed Laser depoSition tEchnology for soLid State battery
Photovoltaic Roofing for Motorways
Optimizing reflecting materials and photovoltaics in urban areas
Study to evaluate the progress on quality assurance systems in the area of...
Quietening the environment for sustainable surface transport
QUalifying and Implementing a user-centric designed and EfficienT electric...
Railroads for the future: Resilient digital rail systems to boost performance
Climate and environmental ethics in R&I
Transformative capacity in energy, food, and water
Realization of optimized Li-Ion batteries for the breakthrough of e-mobility
Novel recycling technologies for European aluminium
Evaluation of the reflection & absorption properties of noise barriers
Reusable transport containers
Magnesium Alloys for Additive Manufacturing
Real-Time Data Analytics in the Mobility Domain
Rural communities enabled for integrated automated mobility
Crack monitoring and evaluation model of unreinforced tunnel linings
Research Inverter SystEm
Research Infrastructure for Research and Innovation Policy Studies
Rolling & skid resistance and noise emission measurement standards for road...
Rolling resistance, Skid Resistance, and Noise Emission measurement standards...
Rolling resistance optimisation on motorways
Safety and acoustics for the separation island tip
(Accompanying) instrument for solving social challenges?"
Micro-vehicles as a catalyst for shifting everyday routes
zuverlässige, nachhaltige und kosteneffiziente Stromversorgung
Safe e-Scooter driving
Surface Technologies for All-Electric Air Taxis
Self-sustained and Smart Battery Thermal Management Solution for EVs
Mobility behavior from cell phone communication data
Satellite-based bridge monitoring for ASFINAG
Lithium-ion battery with silicon anode, nickel-rich cathode and in-cell sensor
Innovative e-car sharing concept as a tool for improving mobility, resource...
Shared automation operating models for worldwide adoption
Safety assessment of retaining Walls
CCAM Warning Signs
Smart Container Trucking
Exploring Realistic Snow Simulation for Aircraft Safety
Characterisation of reactions for thermochemical heat storage
Multifunctional aircraft components with integrated semi-solid state battery
Optimisation of noise barriers with in-situ evaluation
Innovative Heat-Storage System
Social and organizational effects of increasing automation in the Austrian...
Aluminium composites for space applications
Assessing the added value from spatial development as a factor in...
Fast repair of concrete road pavements with precast elements
Space and Infrastructure Trends for Collaborative Planning
Sulfide-based Ink for Printable Earth-Abundant Solar Cel
Impact of the Austrian National Innovation Prize
SiTe Automation Practical Learning
Practical test assessing the information quality about traffic jam tails
Rail condition monitoring from vibroacoustic data
A green deal for Europe's battery production
A high-power three-phase traction inverter with wide band gap semiconductors
Formula-based models for financing teaching at universities
Structural evaluation of asphalt roads at project level
Solid State Sulfide Based Li-Metal Batteries for EV Applications
Potentials of Superblock concepts as a concept for planning energy-efficient...
Lightweight, multifunctional and intelligent airframe parts
[Translate to English:] Laborstudie im Auftrag von emporia zur Untersuchung der...
Technical asset value assessment within asset management
Ethics by Design
Optimal personnel deployment and mobility planning
Tin sulfides as high-performance anode materials for Li-ion batteries
Survey of Austrian Bike-Sharing Systems for Touristic Use
Autonomous vehicle to support people with reduced mobility at transit hubs
Autonomous Vehicle to Support Active Mobility
Technical safety of railway crossings
Development of integrated engine air intake and protection systems for Tilt...
Tomorrow’s Road Infrastructure Monitoring and Management
Tyre and Road Surface Optimisation for Skid resistance and Further Effects
Urban development simulations & infrastructure demand assessment
Identification of multi-modal life styles using innovative technologies
Impact of Social Capital on Spin-Off Performance: A study in Europa and USA
a knowledge capacity development project
Energy-efficient lighting systems in urban street space
Energieautarke Verkehrsbeeinflussungsanlagen
Deformation-based assessment of engineering structures
Transport infrastructure and requirements for autonomous vehicles
Evaluation of motorbike safety
Video identification und online analysis for traffic flows
Light metal components from the 3D printer
Thermally optimized high-performance battery
Acoustic effect of shielding edges near the track and platform roofs
Wildlife Control 4.0 Networks
Research for the prevention of wildlife accidents
Ways to change mobility from a youth perspective
Zero Defect Manufacturing for Thermo-dynamical Processes
Reliability models of permanently monitored existing bridges