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User Experience

Design digital experiences for your target group

Creating unique experiences

Coffee machine or power plant control center, smart watch or smart home – interaction with technologies determines nearly every aspect of life. This increasing relevance of interactive technologies and the growing demands of users necessitates an early and ongoing involvement of users in the development process. We support you in optimizing your product from a user's point of view and thus increasing the success factor.

Together we design a unique user experience for your product, technology, services or processes. No matter which user experience you are aiming at – we offer scientifically sound methods for its definition, measurement and optimization.  From the analysis of the context and the resulting recommendations to the first prototype, we support you in the development of your product and help you to create the best user experience. In our own Technology Experience Lab we are able to carry out the latest scientific methods to improve the experience with different technologies. We provide you with well-founded analyses and recommendations and support you in implementing them. This way you are benefitting from our interdisciplinary approach and the team’s long-term experience, but also from AIT’s leadership in relevant technology sectors.

Our Solutions

Digital Accessibility

Digital accessibility is often equated with the term accessibility, but it is not only people with disabilities (e.g. blind or visually impaired persons) who benefit from the corresponding measures, but also other user groups, such as users of mobile devices or with slow Internet access.

Law Experience

Legal frameworks and requirements are having an increasing impact on the design of digital experiences and the creation of customer-optimized processes. The AIT Center for Technology Experience is therefore dedicated to the digital design process in its entirety.


QoEstream is a combination of experience consulting, tool development and hosting: With QoEstream, AIT offers you a powerful tool with which you can measure, understand and specifically improve the quality of your digital products and services from the end customer's perspective (Quality of Experience).

Game Experience

Experience is the central factor by which the success of a game is measured. Therefore an early evaluation of the game experience and the correct integration of players from the target group is essential.