Road safety on all types of roads remains one of the major aims of road authorities and administrators particularly as certain traffic situations become more complex due to changes in the modal split and – as a consequence – due to major transformation tendencies in the use and share of street space. Interactions between vulnerable road users and motorised transport as well as the application of new technologies in all types of transport modes will have to be met with new safety approaches and strategies.
AIT meets these new challenges by undertaking research in the fields of risk assessment, accident (prediction) research, traffic simulations, by achieving road safety observations and developing road safety applications to evaluate road safety measures.
AIT experts develop new analysis and simulation tools which are capable of combining data on road condition and route mapping parameters with accident data and producing a reliable risk assessment for existing and planned roads. The high-resolution measuring and video data collected by AIT lay the ground for transport safety analyses of hitherto unparalleled accuracy and quality. Using data measurements, roads can be modelled virtually and realistically, allowing entire road networks to be examined for potential danger spots using algorithms or complex relationships between road and vehicle to be simulated.
Beside common accident statistics, innovative deployments of accident prediction modelling are part of the road safety portfolio of AIT. In-depth accident analysis, crash-causes-research and infrastructure-vehicle-interaction simulation are the baseline for investigating coming vehicle technologies and transport strategies as they will specify and define critical use-cases, conflicts and potential hazards of future technologies.
Additional key aspects within the road safety research of AIT are high-tech vehicle dynamic measurements with the AIT probe vehicle fleet - fully equipped test vehicles like trucks, passenger cars, motorcycles and bicycles, ready for single route measurements and specific incident investigations.