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Decarbonisation of the industry - NetZero

Sustainable Energy for Industrial Processes & Process Optimization


Sustainable Energy for Industrial Processes & Process Optimization

The industrial companies are confronted with a difficult task: to achieve the CO2 targets while at the same time increasing competitiveness.

At the AIT Center for Energy we research and develop technologies and methods to make industrial processes more sustainable. With our wide range of methods and extensive experience in the field of thermotechnical plants and their digitalization, we are the ideal partner for industrial companies that face the challenge of CO2 reduction and digitalization.

We accompany companies and sites of all sizes through this transformation and support them in the research and development of technologies and methods and their implementation in operations and production processes.

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is characterized by its technological neutrality and independence, but at the same time has a broad network of academic and industrial cooperation partners to always find the best solution for your task.

New Energy for Industry (NEFI) is an innovation and cooperation platform dedicated to the energy turnaround with pioneering technology projects in industry. In NEFI, manufacturing companies, technology providers and research institutions work together to develop solutions for the transition to renewable energies and to increase energy efficiency in order to achieve the European climate protection goals, to expand their market leadership position worldwide and to secure Austria as an industrial location. The innovation network NEFI, consisting of over 100 partners, is thus paving the way for the decarbonization of industry.
NEFI is managed by AIT together with the University of Leoben and Business Upper Austria and OÖ Energiesparverband, and is supported by the Climate and Energy Fund and the provinces of Upper Austria and Styria as part of the Energy Showcase Region program.

Our Services

Decarbonization roadmaps

The decarbonization of industry is becoming a reality. According to the current climate strategy #emission2030, CO2 emissions are to be reduced to almost zero by the year 2050. As time is running out for our climate, every company is asked to make its contribution. But how can this great challenge be met? The AIT Center for Energy supports companies, locations and industries in this process.


Analyses for investment decisions

Efficiency measures must be well considered before an investment decision can be made on the integration of waste heat recovery, heat pump or storage integration. The first step is the analysis of the actual state, whereby it must first be examined whether the data situation and measuring technique are sufficient, in order to be able to make a conclusive statement. The AIT will be happy to support you with potential and implementation analyses.

Deployment optimization & digital twin

The first step for the implementation of efficiency measures is the analysis of the current situation. Since companies often lack the necessary metrological infrastructure, the AIT Center for Energy offers the necessary monitoring. We have many years of expertise and experience and can therefore identify the right measurement parameters as well as analyze process and energy flows and evaluate them using a digital twin.


The integration of new technologies and innovations creates multiple added value in industrial processes. Industrial heat pumps, high-temperature storage tanks and highly innovative technologies and methods simultaneously enable more economical, safer and more efficient operation of industrial plants. The AIT Center for Energy is your ideal partner when it comes to the question which technology is best suited for your project.

Design & Development

We support industrial companies, component and plant manufacturers in the design, development and optimization of efficient plants and novel components. Our many years of experimental experience in the field of industrial heat pumps and high-temperature storage tanks combined with our extensive knowledge in modeling and simulation of complete plants and systems enables us to find the optimal solutions for your project.

Analysis & Simulation

Through model-based analyses and digital twins, we enable you to optimize the production process and energy use off-line. We identify and evaluate possible measures and their effects in terms of product quality and production costs. With our many years of experience and expertise in the field of mathematical modeling and simulation of complex dynamic processes, we are your ideal partner for detailed analyses at component, plant and factory level.


Thermophysic Laboratory
