Cities need to become a driver for climate change mitigation while improving the mobility and livability for all people. New opportunities arise from emerging technologies, improved workflows and increased availability of data that support novel solutions in several urban domains. The research field “Integrated Digital Urban Planning” solves diverse urban challenges using an interdisciplinary approach that enables to predict and evaluate city systems and their functionalities to make them more habitable, resilient, and sustainable.
We develop novel methods for impact assessment on different spatial and temporal scales that support the creation of urban master plans, co-creation platforms and the design of responsive urban systems which adapt to individual and collective needs. Our research investigates the introduction of new mobility concepts, such as autonomous vehicles, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM), into a transportation system to facilitate the expected opportunities for enhancing effective transport capacity, reducing traffic congestion and increasing safety and comfort.
Research focus
Mobility Simulations
Flexible mobility simulation environments including mesoscopic, agent-based transport modelling tools and microscopic transport simulations to investigate new mobility concepts such as autonomous vehicles, Mobility as a Service, rural micro transit, and Urban Air Mobility
Design analyses
Advanced analysis of architectural and urban designs through parametric models and machine learning techniques
Valuation methods
Methods to identify and assess potentials for effective transport und urban planning (e.g. cost-benefit analysis, rebound-/ backfire effects for reaching climate goals, balancing land use)
Calibration and validation
Model calibration and validation through comprehensive mobility behavior datasets from experiments, real-world measurements and surveys
Crowd simulations
Innovative crowd simulations to predict complex pedestrian flows for multi-scale analysis
Incident analyses
Simulating hazardous incidents and the impact of counter measures (e.g. risk analysis, investigation of scenarios, and recommendations for actions) for contingency plans
Also visit our Cities Intelligence Lab (CIL)!