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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Digital Resilient Cities and Regions

Digital Resilient Cities

In the era of digitization and climate change we are pioneering new ways to plan and realize the sustainable, smart and resilient habitats of tomorrow.

AIT is an independent, urban know-how partner that develops cutting-edge urban management and planning solutions. By embracing today’s complexities, we’re pioneering new ways to plan and realise the sustainable, smart and resilient habitats of tomorrow. 

Our approach is our differentiator. We combine innovative processes with the latest digital planning tools using big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Transcending the boundaries of traditional disciplines and enhancing our services with scientific innovations, we formulate and answer questions today about the urban tasks and challenges of tomorrow. 

We offer consulting and capacity building in

Responsive Cities & Regions

We don’t just talk about urban challenges: we work with you to implement solutions. 

We pioneer innovative planning processes, implementation roadmaps and monitoring programmes for cities and regions that are determined to address transformational challenges related to climate change and energy transition. Our aim is to design—and therefore enable—transformation processes that include solution-focused strategies and comprehensive action plans.

Smart Spatial Planning

The future of the urban isn’t on its way: we’re applying it now. 

We develop and apply cutting-edge tools, while using big data and AI for smart urban planning and management. We believe that today’s complexities call for highly informed planning and decision-making. In our work, we help cities and private businesses to: build data-informed scenarios for their strategic planning; use AI to design new districts; visualise urban complexities; and identify which data and tools are needed to reap the potential of digitalisation.

Energy Conscious Cities & Regions

We help authorities, private businesses and energy providers to develop their energy futures on national, regional and urban level. Combining knowledge on urban energy planning with a technological understanding, we design energy transition plans for regions, low-carbon action plans for cities and innovative energy concept for districts. We employ cutting-edge energy modelling applications in combination with 3D City Information Models in order to visualize and discuss and the results with professionals and a broader public. 

Resilient Urban Systems

Cities are crystalline intersections of population growth, economic activity and infrastructure development. Climate change and its associated chronic stresses, however, are increasingly posing formidable challenges to our habitats. Extreme rainfall can bring a city to a halt, extreme heat waves put growing numbers of lives at risk, and landslides can cause major damage to infrastructure. Cities today must adopt to new realities, ensuring citizen’s life, critical urban infrastructures and economic assets.
