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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Network Operators & Energy Service Providers

Tailored solutions for the energy sector

The electrification of energy consumption and increase of distributed generation pose challenges to the electric power sector. AIT supports Network Operators and Energy Service Providers with solutions and engineering support to tackle these challenges, making energy systems fit for the future and ensuring economic competitiveness. ​

Public and private network operators can benefit from AIT’s profound expertise on power & ICT systems, supported by a broad experience with novel technologies and applications including renewables, electric vehicles, large scale battery storage and microgrids. ​

AIT also offers tailored data-driven solutions for the energy sector, such as energy system modelling, price forecasting and measurement data applications.  ​

As an independent research and technology organization, our customers benefit from our know-how, which we turn into client-specific solutions of high added value.

Power Systems

AIT has profound expertise in power system assessments, ranging from basic power-flow calculations and transient analysis to the design of complex control schemes to optimize grid operation. A team of around 30 experts is available to deal with any advanced network planning and operation challenge. At their disposal is an AIT-developed flexible simulation environment, based on DIgSILENT PowerFactory® and extended with tailored data pre- and postprocessing.

Data analytics for power system applications

An ever increasing amount of data is available for system operators to benefit from. The key challenges lay in the handling and processing of such large amounts of data. AIT provides custom solutions for data management and data analytics based on time series power system data.

Energy Communities

Clear trends towards increasing self-sufficiency and local consumption are being observed and push renewable energy communities to become a part of the future energy system. AIT supports energy providers and operators of energy communities with feasibility studies covering technical and financial assessments and with setting up and operating energy communities.

Power Conversion Technologies

AIT is a frontrunner in the field of Power Conversion Technologies, including battery storage and hydrogen technologies.?

Our profound expertise is complemented with state of the art testing laboratories. Throughout the entire procurement process, we are an independent partner to the industry. AIT offers expertise in drawing technical specifications, evaluating offers and performing acceptance tests.

Energy system modelling

The energy system is under constant change. To keep pace with the regulatory, technical and financial changes, AIT provides comprehensive analyses of the energy system using appropriate simulation models. Amongst others, AIT uses a proprietary fundamental model of the energy system enabling the combined assessment of energy markets and the energy infrastructure.

District heating and cooling

AIT supports network operators and energy service providers with simulation-based analyses and optimization of district heating and cooling networks and the development of control schemes for single network components. Moreover, AIT offers comprehensive technological expertise on geothermia.
