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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Contextual Experience

Living Technology in various contexts

The key to success of a product might be found in positive experience and successful interaction between human beings and technology. The main aim and focus of the Contextual User Experience Research Field is the analysis of distinct experiences for specific situations.

We carry out tangible contextual insights from human experience and human viewpoints. Understanding a specific context delivers requirements and offers a basis for future technological solutions. Dividing a context into different building blocks along the different dimensions, capturing real behaviors, wants and needs is the key value to develop successful technologies and services. Different contextual insights are mapped towards solution potentials (e.g. what is missing in specific contexts from the viewpoint of the user) which in fact are requirements and potentials from an experience perspective.

The combination of the knowledge on how to assess experiences and capture experience needs in a methodologically rigor way and the knowledge how to perform these studies in the current context is part of our expertise. Our expert advisors and scientists have the ability to understand the characteristics of different contexts (e.g. energy, mobility, smart cities, people on the move, etc.) and the competences to adapt experience research methodologies to these different contexts.


We offer

  • Specialized knowledge and exploitation of contextual methodologies
  • Specialized human centered insights into complex digital (future) contexts
  • Considering actual and future digitization from an empirical experience viewpoint
  • Availability of tools, methods and a measurement toolbox
  • Running simulation studies in our Technology Experience Lab to uncover first phenomena
  • Running complex, short term and long term studies in the field to uncover real behaviors
  • Running validation studies to put alternative solutions into an empirical context