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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Molecular Diagnostics

One of the major technical and medical advances of the past 10 years contributing significantly to these developments is the rise of modern molecular diagnostics. Amongst others, molecular diagnostics nowadays is on its way for enabling the quick and actionable detection of pathogens, the early detection of systemic cancerous and non-cancerous diseases, the stratification of patients into treatable and medicable subtypes in a personalized manner, and a close therapy monitoring of diseases.

The AIT focuses on non- and minimally invasive (early) diagnostics, screening, stratification and therapy monitoring of human disease, providing our innovative technological solutions as the foundation for product development, and providing contract research and development services.

Based on our state-of-the-art expertise and technological know-how in the field of molecular diagnostics, we offer a variety of contract research services (eg biomarker discovery or POCT integration). In our projects we are constantly working together with local and international medical experts. The close collaboration between medical experts and AIT as a technology provider enables a complete package of innovative technologies, medical background and expertise, as well as clinical validation in the indication area.

In addition to many research and development needs in the field of human molecular diagnostics (MDx), we are also active in the field of animal health.


AIT holds the complete infrastructure to cover the whole value chain from basic assay development up to the development of integrated point of care systems. AIT is recognized as a trusted reliable partner for industrial organizations. AIT has experts for each individual tasks of the value chain.

Biomarker Development and Validation

AIT offers nucleic acid analytical services using current microarray-, sequencing- and high throughput qPCR formats (DNA, SNP, DNA methylation, mRNA, miRNA) including assay design, pre analytics and analyte extraction from biological samples (e.g. DNA/RNA from tissue, blood, saliva etc). Analytical validation of NA based assays according to standard guidelines (e.g. MIQE). We have also established customized formats for microarray-, microtiter and Luminex bead array- based protein and peptide assays.


Our bioinformatics services range from experimental design, feature selection and assay standardisation to the development of decision support systems. A major focus of our research is on the analysis of sequencing data. We have comprehensive experience in analysing data obtained with various high-throughput technologies (including sequencing) and can thus provide optimal support in this field.

Assay Development and Validation

Immunological and enzymatic assay development and validation according to ICH guidelines ready for market entry. Optimization of accuracy and precision. Protein and peptide based assays for clinical research and diagnostic applications. Transfer of technology platforms (e.g. Array to Elisa, Elisa to Luminex, Elisa to microfluidics, point of care. Transfer of detection technology e.g. from conventional ELISA to mix and read ELISA. Automation of assays using in-house robotic platform for medium throughput analysis. Analysis services and specialized ISO and QC conform development services.

Diagnostic Biosensors

Expertise in the development and fabrication of sensors based on electrochemical electrodes, giant and tunnelling magnetoresistance, and integrated optical waveguides to design sophisticated lab-on- a-chip systems. Integration of customized third party sensors at the AIT Center for Thin Film Technology, which specializes in heterogeneous integration and precision assembly of different materials and components.
Development of functional thin films and coatings for novel nanotechnology based applications (biomedical diagnostics, lab-on-a-chip systems and sensors).

Systems Integration and Point of Care Devices

Development of liquid-based systems integrating reagent storage and the automation of
fluidic protocols combined with the integration of biomarkers, sensors,
microfluidics,reactors, thermal management and readout electronics.


The ISO 9001:2008 certified laboratories are equipped with state of the art equipment covering all technical disciplines within the Competence Unit Molecular Diagnostics. AIT Molecular Diagnostics holds also a innovative IP portfolio with filed or granted WO, US or EP patents.

Services & Solutions

Detailed overview of the services and solutions offered by the Molecular Diagnostics Competence Unit.