Societal Resilience & Security
Global challenges such as climate change, pandemics or social and geopolitical conflicts, as well as local threats such as flooding and overheated cities, present us with unprecedented problems. At the same time, we have more data and greater computing capacity than ever before. However, the knowledge available in the data often remains unused at present, which is why decisions often have to be made on the basis of assumptions. Communication is also still mostly by telephone and email, which means that decisions may be delayed or made without knowledge of all the necessary information. The use of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) offers countless opportunities to better assess situations and existing options, enabling targeted measures to be taken and operations to be better coordinated. The population can also be actively involved and informed via digital channels. ICT therefore makes a direct contribution to increasing security and resilience in society.
In the Societal Resilience and Security research area at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, we develop digital solutions for various application domains. In doing so, we always pursue a user-centred, holistic approach. Based on our ongoing research activities, we develop specific solutions for our customers.