Excellent solutions for cost-efficient light metal casting processes
A comprehensive understanding of micro-metallurgical aspects and their relationship with the macroscopic environment is fundamental to the development of new materials and their processing. Material development at LKR is based on alloy development, taking into account the processes involved in manufacturing components as well as the desired component characteristics. This process is complemented by experimental material and component characterisation.
Sand Casting
From the design drawing to the casting of the first prototypes to pre-series production.
Special Casting Processes
- Vacuum pressure casting maschine VC400 LCD
- Extruder MAS 45
- Pressure Infiltration Casting Machine (P-Cast)
Our services
- Process-dependent, application-oriented alloy development
- mechanical and thermodynamic material characterization
- metallographic analysis and evaluation
- component development/component simulation/component design
- process development and associated Process simulation
- tool development as well as test operation of tools
- component prototyping/pre-production
- provide plant capacities (rental option)
- holistic solutions from the idea to the serial-compatible component
Die casting process development, in cooperation with Meltec