Ingenious Partner for the industry
The output for our industrial partners and costumers includes the supply of technologies, methods and tools. The output we have achieved is implemented in cooperation with the industry; that includes performing contract research, licensing IPR or launch spin-offs.
Ingenious Partner for the public authorities
Furthermore, the AIT advises public authorities related to infrastructure topics with regard to infrastructure and technology policy decisions. We provide input in form of coordinating foresight processes, performing studies and evaluations as well as developing concepts and programmes. The combination of our technological, foresight and policy development competences allows us to provide substantial input for new strategy and infrastructure concepts.
The strategy used by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is based on a system competence and new technology from which business models emerge. Output is a bundle of research services for the infrastructural issues of tomorrow, aimed at clearly defined customer groups from the economic sector.
A thorough understanding of the system level is of paramount importance. It is not just about understanding the system, but actively shaping it. By understanding the sector-specific and physical-technical foundations, AIT models the real behavior of big systems. Knowledge of the markets and their active mechanisms and relationships are also taken into account.
The AIT business models can be described in the form of three major business cases:
Enabling Innovative Services
R&D for next generation goods
Advanced Technologies & Processes