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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

District heating and cooling

District heating and cooling

For many years, AIT has been working on heating and cooling networks and on the design of heat supply in future energy systems. Our expertise ranges from the technological to the systemic level.


  • Analysis and operational optimization of heat networks
  • Application optimization of individual plants and components
  • Development of control strategies for more complex heating networks and anergy networks
  • Evaluation of the future role of heat pumps and CHP plants in the heating network
  • Development of transformation strategies for the heat sector, taking into account heat sources, storage facilities and heat consumers
  • Integrative consideration of the heat sector in the overall energy system
  • Preparation of heat registers and (waste) heat potential analyses


  • Use of an in-house developed open source Modelica® library with validated models for the simulation of heat networks
  • Use of in-house developed energy market models and forecasts


  • Combined expertise on the system and technology level
  • Use of models developed at AIT for simulation and evaluation of heat grids
  • Independent consulting on the future role of heat grids in the energy supply system

Reference projects