AENEASAutomated classification of road safety barriers ALPHORNAdvanced low power wireless node AMBITIONIntegrative approach to measuring and evaluating tunnels AMIGOSActive Mobility Innovations for Green and Safe City Solutions Augmented CCAMInfrastructure for Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility auto.Bus - SeestadtAutonomous bus line for Vienna BE OPENEuropean Forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transport CAMBERSafe and sustainable road maintenance through innovative technologies CCAM Warning SignsSafety through intelligent connectivity DeTECToRDecision-Support Tools for Embedding Climate Change Thinking on Roads Digibus AustriaAutomated driving in local public transport Drive2theFutureBehaviour, needs and wants of automated vehicle users E-DIVERUse of E-Call data in the context of traffic management e-WALKAnalysis of safety and practical suitability of small e-vehicles LaSiBasisBasics for improving load securing on trucks LEVITATEShaping Europe's driverless mobility future proactively MERGE-LANEOptimization of the lengths of turn-in strips OBSERVEEvaluation of crossing points using risk-based evaluation procedures OPtimALOptimised maintenance planning for tunnels PIARC Global Road Safety Knowledge Exchange Scoot&RideMicro-vehicles as a catalyst for shifting everyday routes SEEDSafe e-Scooter driving SHOWShared automation operating models for worldwide adoption STAPLESiTe Automation Practical Learning Detection of traffic jam tailsPractical test assessing the information quality about traffic jam tails TREkKiETechnical safety of railway crossings ViaMotorradEvaluation of motorbike safety via-AUTONOMTransport infrastructure and requirements for autonomous vehicles VIONAVideo identification und online analysis for traffic flows WiConNETWildlife Control 4.0 Networks WildWarnResearch for the prevention of wildlife accidents