In collaboration with an industry partner, AIT has developed VIONA, a cost-effective and mobile system for the Video Identification and Online Analysis of traffic flows, for the low-ranking road network. The license plates of passing vehicles are captured on video, encrypted in line with the highest data protection standards and evaluated in real time. The data collected can be used either on site or as preliminary congestion data and form the basis for traffic planning measures for reducing the risk of accident and optimising the transport infrastructure.
On-site traffic information
- Individual display of average speed and permitted maximum speed, especially within town or city limits
- Preliminary information about possible delays approaching road works, especially on motorways and highways
- On-site information about delays in areas affected by road works
Traffic planning – analysis of traffic flows, travel times and stoppage times
- Capacity analyses for bottlenecks in areas affected by road works
- Determination of number / frequency of overtaking manoeuvres on selected routes
- Utilisation of lay-bys and car parks
- Length of stay in lay-bys and car parks
- Analysis of traffic flows for optimising the infrastructure
- Categorisation of vehicle class, region and political district
- Thoroughfare analyses for better use of bypasses