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Law Experience

Legal framework for your digital product or service

Legal frameworks and requirements are having an increasing impact on the design of digital experiences and the creation of customer-optimized processes. The AIT Center for Technology Experience is therefore dedicated to the digital design process in its entirety. In cooperation with iuro Rechtsanwälte, we not only look at your projects from a digital experience perspective, but also broaden it to include all aspects of law experience.

The combination of digital design topics with the legal viewpoint promotes the success of projects, as legal compliance takes place in the early stages. This way the legal topic does not become a show stopper. On the one hand, Law Experience is applied in the creation of customer journeys, on the other hand it also concerns the content and the preparation of user interfaces to make them more user-friendly.

Customer Journey Design

In simple terms, the Customer Journey is all the touch points that a customer has with a company before he or she makes a purchase decision. These touchpoints contribute to the holistic customer experience. The touch points should be optimally designed to increase and sustainably improve the positive experience of the customer. This is where the Law Experience comes in. Legal frameworks can be operationalized at an early stage and taken into account in the creation of the customer journey. This includes, for example, considering when customers receive which documents and confirmations in sales routes or onboarding processes.

User Interfaces: legally correct design

We not only consider the basic rules for good user interfaces, we also design them according to the law. For example, did you know that when designing user interfaces, accessibility must also be taken into account? Already in the concept phase (first ideas, wireframes, prototypes, etc.) these steps as well as screens and flows should be analyzed from a legal point of view. In this way, optimal user interface design elements can be defined to make it easier for customers to handle your online sales process and thus increase their satisfaction.

Use-cases and scenarios for Law Experience:

  • User-centred perspective on legal documents and processes (e.g. check for comprehensibility of general terms and conditions and/or contract texts)
  • Concept development of digital sales routes from the perspective of user & law experience
  • Design of a seamless customer experience in the digital and analog world (interaction of journeys and legal documents or interactions)
  • Consideration of legal issues in the course of expert reviews of existing systems and processes
  • Consideration of legal security from the perspective of the digital experience in complex systems such as IoT, B2B platforms or in the early innovation phases, for example in co-creation and IPR exploitation
  • Rollout of contract changes in mass business to existing customers
  • Consent Management: Strategies for obtaining consent for the use of personal data

According to your specific questions and goals, we offer you, together with Andreas Mätzler from iuro Rechtsanwälte, the ideal synergy between legal know-how and digital experience. We make you and your products and services legally compliant for the market. Do you have any further questions? Feel free to contact our Law Experience expert Markus Murtinger.