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Verfahren zur Analyse von Entwicklungsdynamiken und Wirkungsmechanismen von Kryptoassets

Cash flows in the still most relevant cryptocurrency Bitcoin can currently still be traced relatively well. However, the need for new forensic methods can already be anticipated due to the advancing technical development: virtual assets, so-called cryptoassets, and financial products are increasingly being implemented as tokens or smart contracts, and established blockchain forensics are also becoming more common due to the increasing spread of off-chain payment channels. Therefore, existing blockchain-forensics will soon reach their technical limits.

The goal of the KRYPTOMONITOR project is therefore to develop generic cryptoasset analysis methods that support the analysis of smart contracts and off-chain transactions in addition to native cryptocurrency transactions.


The expected results of the KRYPTOMONITOR project include:

  • A (data protection) legal assessment of the developed methods and regulatory recommendations with regard to tokens and payment channels.
  • New forensic methods for the analysis of generic cryptoassets which are not used as program libraries and in existing tools (e.g.: BlockSci, GraphSense) were integrated.
  • A systematic analysis and risk assessment of tokens.
  • Formats for a harmonized data exchange between involved stakeholders.
  • A coordinated cryptocurrency forensic curriculum as a qualification measure for investigators.


Partners: University of Innsbruck, T3K Forensic, Research Institute, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Federal Ministry of Finance



  • Projektbeginn: January 2020
  • Projektdauer: 24 Monate
  • Budget: ca. 300k EUR
  • Förderung: FFG KIRAS


Webpage: https://kryptomonitor-project.info/