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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

The goal of TEACHING is to design a computing platform and associated software toolkit to support the development and deployment of autonomous, adaptive and reliable CPSoS applications. In addition, human feedback will be sustainably used to drive, optimise and personalise the delivery of these applications.

The world is on the verge of the autonomous systems revolution. Considering autonomous CPSoS from a human-aware (if not human-centric) perspective brings-in critical requirements in terms of adaptivity, dependability (safety, security, reliability) and privacy. With that background, this European project addresses following questions:

  • How can we construct a cooperative human-CPSoS environment placing the needs, the comfort, and the well-being of the human at the core of the CPSoS operation?
  • How can such a cooperative environment be realized to operate in an autonomous, safe and dependable way, while being capable of self-adapting by exploiting sustainable human feedback?
  • How do we change the underlying computing system, at an architectural and software level, to support the operation of such an adaptive, dependable and human-centric CPSoS?
  • AIT will further address how can we achieve the interaction between the Teaching project and standardisation?



  • Project duration: June 2022 – June 2023
  • Coordination: Universita di Pisa (IT)
  • Budget: 3 990 778,75 €
  • Funding: 635 960,00€
  • Partner (u.a.):
    • Industrie: AVL List GmbH (AT), Marelli Europe S.P.A. IT, Ideas & Motion SRL (IT), Thales SA (FR), Infineon Technologies (DE)
    • KMU:  Information Technology for Market Leadership(GR)
    • Forschungseinrichtungen: TU Graz (AT), Harokopio University, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT)LIN


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