Exemplary representation of an urban climatological parameter in a selected urban area
Objectifying and standardizing urban climate analyses for climate-resilient urban planning
Cities and municipalities are particularly affected by climate change and its impacts. Some Austrian cities have currently prepared urban climatic maps (UCM) and are partially integrating them in their spatial development policies. As there are no standardized methods for the generation of urban climatic analysis worldwide the project OSCAR aims to close that research gap by researching and preparing the basis for the standardization and objectification process. The OSCAR project has thus the following overall objectives:
(1) Development of an objectified and standardized model for UCM,
(2) Accelerate the assessment of urban climate conditions,
(3) Provide the basis and method to make climate adaptation measures numerically and rapidly tangible on a city scale level,
(4) Enable comparability of urban climate conditions of a city over time or with other cities and
(5) Provide secured planning recommendations through validated methods.
This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and is carried out under the program “Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP)”.