Multireg – Regional Knowledge Creation and R&D collaboration in Europe
Innovation is widely considered as essential basis for regional economic growth. However, new knowledge can nowadays not be generated by firms alone. R&D collaborations and networking with regional and global partners have become increasingly important for successfully generating new knowledge.
The project at hand aims at investigating regional knowledge generation, specifically accounting for interaction processes at the firm level. Focus is shifted to an empirically-driven agent-based modelling framework for knowledge production in European regions (on the level of NUTS-2-regions). There are three objectives: (i) analysing the influence of regional R&D-networks on knowledge production of firms within a region, (ii) differentiating between effects of local interaction and global network channels, and (iii) identifying technological specialization trends and geographical concentration processes.
The model that is to be developed should be applied to real-world-questions: simulation experiments will refer to the influence of political framework conditions on regional knowledge production and can support the ex-ante evaluation of policy interventions.
Start: 2016
Duration: 3 years
Funded by: FWF
Contact: Manfred Paier