Tools for the Investigation of TrANsactions In Underground Markets
TITANIUM developed novel methods and technical solutions for investigating and mitigating illegitimate activities (relating to either crime or terrorism) involving virtual currencies and/or underground market transactions.
The project established a research and development environment that enabled close and continuous collaboration between researchers, developers, legal experts, and law enforcement stakeholders located in several European countries and regions. A set of cutting edge tools for the automated aggregation of data from diverse sources obtained through legal warrants, together with tools for the forensic analysis of cryptocurrency transactions, were developed with the goal to support the generation of court-proof evidence.
TITANIUM also investigated heuristics that can operate across different virtual currency transaction ledgers to identify clusters of addresses that are likely to belong to the same real-world entity. Novel techniques based on machine-learning and deep neural networks were applied for revealing patterns, detecting anomalies, and identifying tumblers and mixers used for money laundering.
The project also emphasized the legal and ethical compliance of the developed solutions. The forensics tools and services were deployed to partner LEAs and assessed in Field Labs to ensure effectiveness, ethical and legal compliance, and overall impact of the results.
- Projektbeginn: May 2017
- Projektdauer: 36 Monate
- Budget: ca. 5.5 Mio. EUR
- Förderung: H2020