Verfolgung bargeldloser krimineller Transaktionen im virtuellen Raum
The rise of cashless societies, the increasing significance of post-Bitcoin era virtual currencies (e.g., Monero, Zcash), and the increase of illegitimate activities in Darknet marketplaces require novel forensic methods and solutions for tracing digital currency flows in criminal investigations. The VIRTCRIME project developed novel algorithms and methods for tracing criminal transactions in post-Bitcoin era virtual currency systems, while considering illegitimate activities in Darknet marketplaces.
The tools developed in VIRTCRIME built upon results from previous projects (e.g., BITCRIME) and were validated by stakeholders in an early project phase using real-word application use cases. Orthogonally, the project provided novel criminological procedures and law enforcement approaches and investigated legal pre-conditions and consequences.
The results of the VIRTCRIME project included:
- Novel criminological procedures and evaluations of legal conditions and consequences.
- Novel algorithmic methods for analysing post-Bitcoin era virtual currencies.
- Novel monitoring methods for Darknet marketplaces.
- A test environment, which allows cross-domain validation of methods based on real-world application scenarios.
Partners: University of Innsbruck, XYLEM, Research Institute, VICESSE, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Federal Ministry of Finance
- Projektbeginn: January 2018
- Projektdauer: 30 Monate
- Budget: ca. 700k EUR
- Förderung: FFG KIRAS