Strengths of the Austrian Innovation System: Specialisation and priority fields in research and economic synergies
In a recent study the strength and competitiveness of the Austrian research and innovation system is analysed. The specialisation in the scientific, technological and economic domain is analysed based on data about publication output, patents and R&D spending of different business sectors aiming to analyse synergies and strengths of the innovation system. Moreover, the internationalisation of Austrian R&D, the financing structure for funding R&D in Austria and the knowledge transfer between science and industry are investigated.
Key Words: Austrian innovation system, higher education system, research policy, innovation policy, specialisation, research funding
Start: 2014
Duration: 1 year
Funded by: Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy
Project partner: Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut (WIFO), Joanneum Research (JR), Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (ZSI), Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS)
Contact: Karl-Heinz Leitner