The objective of KNOWMAK is to develop a web-based platform which provides interactive visualisations and state‐of‐the‐art indicators on knowledge co‐creation in the European research area. Particular emphasis is placed on characterizing actors with respect to their research and co-creation activities in topics related to the Societal Grand Challenges (SGC) and Key Enabling Technologies (KET). For this purpose, relevant actors are first identified in large-scale databases on knowledge production, including publication-, patent- and project databases; second their knowledge production activities are classified according to a specific SGC- or KET topic based on ontologies developed in the project. In doing so, the co-creation, i.e. inter-linking, between actors in specific SGC or KET topics can be traced by means of co-publishing, co-patenting and joint research projects. In this context, the tool will provide a novel knowledge base for the empirical analysis of dynamics in the European Research Area, both from a policy and a scientific perspective. The business unit “RTI policy” brings in original databases on knowledge co-creation, and will coordinate the construction of the KNOWMAK database as basis for the web-based platform.
Start: 2017
Duration: 3 years
Funded by: European Commission
Contact: Thomas Scherngell