Flexible support package for promoting cycling among transportation disadvantaged groups
e-tricycle concept, convenience-oriented routing, training programs
flexiTrike aims at delivering a comprehensive package of measures to (re)attract people to cycling. Barriers to start or comeback to cycling after a break are considerable. Safety concerns, fear of unknown routes as well as balance problems on conventional two-wheeled bicycles are only a few examples for barriers towards bike use. Technical innovations and knowledge of the needs of the target group can be essential factors to overcome these uncertainties. This includes not only the design of a suitable bike but also the provision of routing according to the individual preferences and a cycle training that meets actual needs.
In flexiTrike a package of measures is developed for that purpose. It contains a tilting three-wheeled pedelec (for added stability), bicycle trainings (to lower the entry barrier) and comfort-oriented routing (to support autonomy and subjective safety).
To develop the comfort oriented routing, GPS data collected from cyclists within a cycle to work initiative is used to develop a mixed logit route choice model. This model is then adjusted to the target group using comfortable routes designed for the target group by experts. Finally the route choice model will be applied in a router to find comfortable routes that will be evaluated by the target group.