The study examined the medium-term time-horizon (3-8 years) of the emerging infectious diseases (EID) threat spectrum. To handle this task, specific foresight resources had to be designed and implemented in order to align multiple streams of contemporary and relevant research into activities focused on the development of plausible scenarios and prevention. Policy options for controlling future infectious disease mitigation were outlined. The project drew on expertise from the ECDC and a diverse network of specialists from public health systems, biomedical R&I fields, and infectious disease research to identify and address current gaps in the ECDC’s preparedness for future EID threats. The project also included capacity building for continuous future-oriented research and monitoring activities as part of an integrated foresight capacity for the ECDC.
Key words: infectious diseases, health, health systems, health policy, foresight, scenarios, prevention, preparedness
Start: 10/22
End: 12/24
Duration: 26 months
Funded by: ECDC
Contact: Susanne Giesecke