The project (SG)^2 deals with a systematic study of smart grid technologies in terms of ICT security issues and the research of countermeasures. Based on a thorough threat and risk analysis from a state-level perspective and security analysis of Smart Grid components, (SG)^2 explores measures for power grid operators that serve to increase the security of computer systems deployed in the future critical infrastructure of "smart energy".
With the increasing use of novel smart grid technologies, a comprehensive ICT network is established parallel to the electricity grid, which due to its large size, number of participants and access points will be exposed to similar hazards as the current Internet. However, the reliable energy supply of this system depends on the effective operation of ICT, and similar security problems such as in the current Internet would have severe consequences. Potential threats range from meter manipulation to directed, high-impact attacks on the critical infra-structure of the energy carrier that could damage or bring down parts of the national power grid, which can also affect adjacent power lines. It is essential that security measures are put in place to ensure a future smart grid does not succumb to these threats, and endanger this critical national infrastructure.
The project (SG)^2 aims to study such counter-measures. The project investigates and develops methods, concepts and process models, and accompanying software tools to minimize the risk posed by the threats described, and to ensure the security of smart grids in Austria. Novel approaches to the modeling of complex ICT-supported smart grid architectures will be defined in the project, and form the basis for an analysis and evaluation of primary forms of attack and attack surfaces, and for the estimation of impacts. Electricity providers have traditionally focused on ensuring the safety and reliability of their infrastructure. However, in the future, malicious attacks that hinder the increasingly networked ICT components within their systems need to be accounted for too. An important outcome of the (SG)^2 project will thus be a taxonomy and catalogue of countermeasures that can be applied to ensure the security of smart grids for a given threat.The project consortium consists of a balanced mix of research institutes, strong industry partners, and governmental agencies, which ensure sound scientific grounding, sophisticated technical implementation, and practical applicability and validation. This project, with a duration of 2 years, runs from 2012 to 2014 and is financially supported by the Austrian security-research program KIRAS and by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT).
- AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Safety & Security Department
- AIT Energy Department
- Technische Universität Wien
- SECConsult Unternehmensberatung GmbH
- Siemens AG - Corporate Technology Österreich
- LINZ STROM GmbH, Energie AG Oberösterreich Data GmbH
- Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG
- Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz GmbH
- Bundesministerium für Inneres
- Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung und Sport