Study of business participation and entrepreneurship in Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
This study on business participation and entrepreneurship was launched in the wider framework of an ex-post evaluation of the FP7 MCA and an interim assessment of the MSCA part of H2020. Europe 2020 called for closer intersectoral cooperation in research and innovation, as well as identified entrepreneurship as one of the key preconditions for success. In addition, the new programme of MSCA under Horizon 2020 brought a number of novelties, which increased emphasis on innovation and further strengthened involvement of the private sector in EU research and innovation policy. Therefore, there is much interest in the contribution of MSCA to innovation, entrepreneurship, job creation and intersectoral collaboration. An in-depth study with an evaluative character provides an excellent opportunity for achieving the following results:
- measuring the impacts of the programme on jobs and growth in a quantitative and qualitative way based on a rigorous approach and sound methodology;
- validating these impacts in the programme community through an engagement of main policy stakeholders and demonstrating these programme achievements in the EU decision-making processes during the review of the Multiannual Financial Framework and the EU programmes;
- suggesting specific recommendations as to how business participation could be widened and the ways in which entrepreneurship (and intrapreneurship) could be better supported under the programme.
Further information
Key Words: innovation, entrepreneurship, job creation, intersectoral collaboration
Start: 01/2019
Duration: 13 months
Customer / Funding Organisation: European Commission - DG Research and Innovation
AIT-Contact: Michael Dinges