webs of innovation and value chains of additive manufacturing under consideration of RRI
The project develops and investigates a model for webs of innovation value chains in the field of AM including the perspectives of all types of stakeholders and especially testing the model for AM in the field of medical application, mechanical engineering (tooling, automotive, aerospace) and consumer products. The dynamic model shall strengthen the knowledge base for policy orientation regarding promoting innovation. The model will develop an understanding of these webs of innovation and open the gates for good practices of RRI.
Key Words: Stakeholder Iinvolvement, InnovationSystems, AdditiveManufacturing, RRI
Start: 05/2018
Duration: 36 Monate
Customer / Funding Organisation: European Commission
Website: https://www.iamrri.eu/iamrri/
AIT-Project leadership: Marianne Hörlesberger