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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Data-Market Austria

The overall goal of the Data Market Austria project was to develop the technological, infrastructural, regulatory, and economic foundations for a comprehensive, innovation-supporting, and sustainable Austrian Data-Services Ecosystem.

By building on existing initiatives, Data-Market Austria developed prototypical solutions for supporting the full data spectrum - from open data to proprietary data. Innovative business models were developed by involving key players of the Austrian Ecosystem. Foundational technology was developed to support the establishment of a national data ecosystem. The developed technology stack included: blockchain techniques for provenance and security; data access constraint-preserving processing- and analysis algorithms; semi-automated data quality improvement; and recommender system-based brokerage technology.

In terms of regulatory aspects, beyond creating a clear picture of the regulatory environment in which the Ecosystem could operate, technological enforcement of regulations as well as smart contracts were developed to ensure legal compliance of the Ecosystem. Three pilots were run in the areas of ICT for Mobility and ICT for Earth Observation to test the developed solutions.


  • Projektbeginn: October 2016
  • Projektdauer: 36 Monate
  • Budget: ca. 2.5 Mio. EUR
  • Förderung: FFG

Webpage: https://datamarket.at/