Flexibles, teilautomatisiertes Analysesystem zur Auswertung von Videomassendaten
The FLORIDA project supported the development of a flexible, semi-automated video forensics system for public safety and law enforcement authorities, in particular the Austrian Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism (BM.I.BVT), in the investigation, collection of evidence, and clearance of cases involving terrorist attacks. Through the application of advanced technologies developed within the project, the system improved the efficiency and quality of work for investigators in this context because research, preparation, and analysis were simplified and accelerated for extremely large audio/video data sets.
The key innovations of the project were the development of a scalable platform for video forensics, the definition of corresponding interfaces, the development of new analysis algorithms, and the evaluation of the project results against stakeholder requirements and a researched legal and ethical framework.
- Projektbeginn: November 2016
- Projektdauer: 28 Monate
- Budget: ca. 1.3 Mio. EUR
- Förderung: FFG KIRAS
Webpage: http://www.florida-project.de/