The EU/ECSEL-project Productive4.0 developed a European platform approach for
- Factory automation and required IoT components
- Seamless integration of design
- Order driven manufacturing
- Smart production planning, advanced manufacturing control
- Supply chain management and Products in-use for Digital Industry, application independent and across domains
Today, manufacturers face - besides increasing complexity of their products and systems, as well as highly volatile markets – a rising demand for customization and individual product configuration, and involvement in several partially competing value chains. This situation requires self-configurable supply chain management and automated order-/contract handling, but causes further challenges such as
- Integration and dealing with legacy systems,
- Different product cycle times at system, module and component level,
- Standardization of exchange processes, protocols and data,
- Security of data and infrastructures, protected communication networks,
- New or adapted business models.
By developing the mentioned platform, Productive4.0 alleviated these challenges for the EU market in order to strengthen its competitiveness for the next decade.
Project duration: May 2017 – October 2020
Coordination: Infineon Technologies (DE)
Budget: 130 M€
Funding: 57 M€
Partner (i.a.)
- Industry: ABB (DE), AVL (AT), TTTech (AT), Thales (AT), Evolaris (AT)
- SME: GUEP software (AT), NXP (DE)
- Academia: ViF (AT), FH Burgenland, TU Wien, Uni Klagenfurt