SeeRRI establishes a foundation for building self-sustaining research and innovation (R&I) ecosystems in Europe through Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). The main outcome of the SeeRRI project will be an integrated framework for building a self-sustaining R&I ecosystem that is open, transparent and responsive, equipped with a road-mapping tool for choosing the appropriate approach in a variety of different contexts. The co-creation approach during the stakeholder workshops supports awareness and knowledge creation and therefore sustainability. Create prospective RRI at the organizational level by implementing a framework for creating openings for RRI in an organization’s strategic agenda that can enable institutional changes. Integrate RRI principles in regional development policy at European level, allowing European regions to enhance their territorial research and innovation ecosystem’s resilience. Lead to resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth of the European Union as a whole.
Key Words: StakeholderIinvolvement, InnovationSystems, AdditiveManufacturing, RRI
Start: 01/2019
Duration: 30 months
Customer / Funding Organisation: European Commission
AIT-Project leadership: Marianne Hörlesberger