Innovative e-car sharing concept as a tool for improving mobility, resource efficiency and quality of life in Vienna
The cultivation of an environmentally friendly lifestyle is increasingly popular with a large part of the Viennese population. This includes not only food and clothing, but also the way of locomotion. The public transport network can cover a part of the demand, but the use of a car is often unavoidable. Those who do not own a car for different reasons or who spontaneously need a vehicle can fall back on the concept of car sharing. Car sharing companies minimize the consumption of resources and the resource dependency that arises during vehicle production by having one vehicle used by as many people as possible. Currently, car-sharing systems use electric vehicles only to a small extent and offer only a spatially rigid tariff model. A participation of (future) users in vehicle costs takes place only indirectly through user fees.
The ShareMob project aims to develop a user- and environment-optimized e-vehicle sharing system to complement existing mobility services. The special feature of the ShareMob approach is that a block-chain-based investment and billing model provides for fleet participation (including distribution of shares of the generated revenue - "shared economy") to the users. Based on previous movement profiles, possibilities for the expansion of the operating area (home zone) are optimized and shown. The special focus during the demo operation is on the introduction of a holistic approach designed to maximize local added value beyond mobility (e.g. parking management, use of available charging stations, special offers for the local economy like e-transporters).
The necessary expertise is provided by an interdisciplinary consortium consisting of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH and the consortium leader eloop (Caroo Mobility GmbH).