Sicherheit durch intelligente VernetzungCCAM Warning Signs HyFAR IMAMTUImpact of automated, modular transport units MoverMobility and supply in the Region INTROIntegrated mobilty nodes PhysiCALPhysical Internet through Cooperative Austrian Logistics ReKEPReusable transport containers Community droneNew concepts for drone services AADEAlternative drives and their energy supply alBOXBusiness model and service potential for flexible goods and information flows... RIAMORural communities enabled for integrated automated mobility Berufe MobilitätNew job profiles in mobility in the context of automation and digitisation CEE Riverbridge CIVICConstruction In Vicinities: Innovative Co-creation CCONT E-DIVERUse of E-Call data in the context of traffic management E4-SHARE EntKuRoUncoupling robot for the automatic marshalling yard EUFAL EMILIA GrazLogConception of a cooperatively used inner-city hub for parcel deliveries hub.connectAutomated cargo handling scenarios for logistics centers inned IW-NETInnovation driven Collaborative European Inland Waterways Transport Network KoopHubsConception of a sustainable, cooperative, two-stage distribution system LEVITATEShaping Europe's driverless mobility future proactively MIMICMinimizing impact of construction material flows in cities: Innovative... ModELModal decisions in the logistics sector MyITS OptiMaaSHolistic mobility solutions for the urban periphery Seamless SELECT ShareMobInnovative e-car sharing concept as a tool for improving mobility, resource... SmartCTSmart Container Trucking SozASocial and organizational effects of increasing automation in the Austrian... SPADEAssessing the added value from spatial development as a factor in... TEPMOSOptimal personnel deployment and mobility planning