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e-car at its charging station

Flinkster charging station, by GriinBlog

Car-sharing systems and the usage of electric cars are currently increasingly gaining popularity to contribute towards a sustainable and environmental-friendly transport system in urban area. The goal of this project e4-share is to lay the foundations for efficient and economically viable electric car-sharing systems by studying and solving the optimization problems arising in their design and operations.

information graphic of hotspots in Vienna

Example solution for station locations in Vienna

In this project, both station-based car-sharing systems and free-floating car-sharing systems are considered. In the first step, the time-dependent mobility demand is estimated by analyzing the mobility movements. These data are used for the strategic planning. The questions for station-based systems are where to place the stations, how large they should be, and how many cars should be deployed in the system. For a given budget, as many customers should be served as possible. For the free-floating system, the locations of recharging stations are optimized, different user-incentives are studied, and their impacts are estimated using simulation.

The project is funded within Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe, 2nd Joint Call for Proposals 2013. The consortium consists of international renowned scientists and experts from Operational Research: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University, Université Libre de Bruxelles, University of Bologna and tbw Research.


  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Universität Wien
  • ULB
  • tbw Research