Enabling social innovation in European Cities
project description
SEiSMiC (Societal Engagement in Science, Mutual learning in Cities) is a FP 7 funded project dealingwith social innovation within an urban context. The objective of the project is to build up a network of urban stakeholders who share knowledge and mutually learn from each other in the field of social innovation. These stakeholders include researchers, practitioners and city administrations as well as NGOs, grassroots movements and locals. The platform, which is being build up parallel in 10 partnering countries (AT, TUR, BEL, HUN, CZ, GER, SWE, UK, NL, IT) regularly meets in workshops on national, transnational and international level and provides recommendations for research and policy. Since SEiSMiC is strongly linked to the Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe (JPI UE), these recommendations are directly integrated into JPI UE´s Research Agenda.
Main achievements
- Mobilise a wide range of urban actors, particularly civil society, social innovators and entrepreneurs
- Build bridges between the scientific community, civil society and policy makers in order to develop policy recommendations that address real social needs
- Create a platform to enable dialogue and mutual learning for citizens and urban actors on social innovation for the future, and to strengthen social innovation within a local context
- Identify commonalities and differences across European cities with regard to social innovation needs, awareness of challenges and potential solutions
- Contribute to the social dimension of JPI Urban Europe’s research and innovation agenda
European Commission