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Evaluation of the support structures for HORIZON 2020, EU

Evaluation of the national support system for Horizon 2020 and the European Research Area (ERA)

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is lead contractor for pursuing a systematic evaluation of the national support system for Horizon 2020 and ERA. The evaluation is oriented towards answering two overarching questions:

  1. Are the design and implementation of support measures adequate for reaching the desired objectives in an effective and cost-efficient manner?
  2. Is there a need for re-orientation for support measures due to recent changes and expected changes in the RTI system?

The evaluation makes use of a broad spectrum of methods including online surveys, expert interviews, focus groups, Delphi surveys and participatory workshops.

Key Words:  European Research Area, Horizon 2020, European Research Policy
Start: 09/2017
Duration: 10 Monate
Funded by: European Commission – H2020
Partner: Joanneum Research, KMU-Forschung Austria, Zentrum für Soziale Innovation
Contact: Michael Dinges