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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Analysis of the evolution of the costs of research - trends, drivers and impacts

The aim of this contract research project for DG Research is to shed light on the evolution of the costs of research, including its main components, over time as well as to study differences between sectors and countries. For the first time, this study examines the drivers, development trends and consequences of increasing research costs in Europe through original data collection, including comprehensive field research, indepth qualitative case studies, and scenario development. 

Key Words: evolution of research costs, R&D strategy, R&D accounting, scenarios, management strategies, public research organisations, survey, case studies

Start: 2010

Duration: 2 years

Funded by: European Commission, DG Research

Partner: MERIT, NIFU-STEP, University of Manchester, CMI, CERIS, Georgia Tech

Contact: Karl-Heinz Leitner