Honorary doctorate awarded to Erwin Schoitsch
demonstrated a tireless dedication to improving software processes and developing safety-related systems that we can all rely on. His tireless work has not only laid the foundations for innovative technologies [...] technologies, but has also contributed significantly to the safety and reliability of embedded systems, which are of crucial importance in numerous areas of life. The vision and mission of MDU (Mälardalen
AIT advises German Federal Government on research and innovation policy
contribution builds in significant parts on a background study led by the AIT Center for Innovation Systems & Policy and conducted jointly with the FU Berlin. The agility concept shows ways in which policy [...] ground for far-reaching processes of change," says study author and Head of AIT Center for Innovation Systems & Policy Matthias Weber. So far, however, a comprehensive and implementable concept for this [...] on agile R&I policy practices. "We could see that there are several levers to make the policy system more agile: e.g. involve as many stakeholders as possible in decision-making at an early stage, create
SESWA - Smart Energy Systems Week Austria 2018
theme, the SESWA gathers international experts from 14-18th of May 2018 in Vienna. The Smart Energy Systems Week Austria is one of the most renowned forums in the energy and technology community. It has been [...] Energy Fund and Wiener Netze GmbH. Wolfgang Hribernik, AIT's Head of Competence Unit Electric Energy Systems is a member of the SESWA scientific advisory board.The SESWA will start on 14th of May with top-class [...] startups. The key topics include how digital technologies enable local and regional, integrated energy systems, possible developments of local energy communities their technology and energy partners.At the symposium
Manfred M. Fischer, Mitinitiator des IEV: Knowledge and Talent Development Programme, zweifach ausgezeichnet
kurzes Porträt Fischer findet sich hier.Fischer gilt als langjähriger Partner des AIT Innovation Systems Departments. Gemeinsam mit Josef Fröhlich begründete er 2008 das IEV – Innovation Economics Vienna: [...] Themen bewerben und somit ihre akademische Abschlussarbeit unter dem Mentoring des AIT Innovation Systems Departments verfassen. Derzeit nutzen über 60 Studierende diese einzigartige Möglichkeit, akademische [...] und Geoinformatik, weiterhin einen erstklassigen Partner im Rahmen des nunmehrigen Innovation Systems – Knowledge and Talent Development Programme an der Seite zu haben.
HerzMobil: Improving Quality of Life through Integrated Care for Heart Failure Patients
into the ELGA (Electronic Health Record) system opens up additional opportunities for seamless collaboration between the various players in the healthcare system. With access to comprehensive medical data [...] patients. Representatives from almost all provinces met with experts from the Austrian healthcare system to discuss the latest results of the HerzMobil program as well as future technological innovations [...] Telemedicine and telecare solutions play an important role in the further development of the healthcare system.
New publication on SARS-Cov-2 and the blood-brain barrier
infection. There are numerous reports linking SARS-CoV-2 infection and effects on the human neurological system in COVID-19. However, exactly how these neurological symptoms are caused remains unclear. These problems [...] related to but not directly caused by the immune response to the infection, or be the result of systemic infection. The question of how the virus affects humans has been investigated by Hamburg research [...] entire SARS-CoV-2 virus cross the blood-brain barrier and could thus be found in the central nervous system (CNS). SARS-CoV-2 RNA and proteins have been detected in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid after
AIT Energy Department organized a „Real-Time Simulation“ Workshop
den Forschungsinfrastrukturlabors der DERri Partner. The electric energy supply system is facing a fundamental systemic change, due to the large-scale integration of distributed energy production units [...] charging units, current limiters, etc.). These components are active and show a highly non-linear system behavior, which often cannot be represented in an analytical model. In order to develop such components [...] optimize network management procedures it is essential to analyze the interaction between a selected system component and the network. For active network components, as they can be found in smart grids, P
Susanne Meyer in das UERA Steering Board wiedergewählt
Am 11.2.2019 wurde Susanne Meyer, Scientist am Center for Innovation Systems & Policy in der General Assembly der Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA) der JPI Urban Europe in Antwerpen (BE) als eines [...] ist seit 2016 Mitglied und wird durch das AIT Center for Energy und das AIT Center for Innovation Systems & Policy vertreten. Insgesamt sind über 50 Forschungsorganisationen, die sich mit Forschung zum
Machines learn from each other
Bosch Research and the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (competence unit Complex Dynamical Systems / Center for Vision, Automation & Control) are strengthening their long-standing successful [...] press release News at Bosch homepage Contact DI Amadeus-Cosimo Lobe Complex Dynamical Systems AIT Center for Vision, Automation & Control +43 664 88256044
This was the UITP Global Public Transport Summit 2023
the exhibition. These solutions ranged from integrated planning and optimization of transportation systems to the design of efficient mobility hubs and the modelling of energy demand in public transportation [...] Another highlight was the presentation by Martin Reinthaler, Research Engineer, Integrated Energy Systems, as part of an e-poster session. He addressed the modelling of future energy demand in the transportation
CIS Compliance Summit 2022
new approaches to dealing with cyber risks in the supply chain, as well as the world of management systems, standards and norms. They will also explain why it is more important than ever to think outside [...] Technology, will give a presentation on the topic of "Secure digital future through controllable digital systems". An abstract of the interview conducted in advance can be found here. Registration for the event
Passenger Terminal EXPO 2017 in Amsterdam
airports across the globe. The AIT Center for Mobility Systems will participate as exhibitor and present EXPERIENCE, a service to evaluate wayfinding systems and architectural designs using virtual reality.
AIT Delegation Visits Iran – SCSRT and AIT Agree On Close Collaboration
In November 2016, Prof. Josef Fröhlich (Head of Innovation Systems Department) and Marianne Hörlesberger (Scientist, Business Unit Research, Technology & Innovation Policy) were invited to the Iranian [...] this reason, several high-level officials of the Iranian Supreme Council visited the AIT Innovation Systems Department for personal meetings and first talks. As the financial and economic sanctions against [...] textile industry. Fröhlich and Hörlesberger were provided with an insight into the Iranian innovation system, acquired knowledge about research policy decision making processes and reported about the strong
High-performance vision systems
the Control in Stuttgart, the AIT Center for Vision Automation Control presented its latest systems for optical quality inspection. The Hotel Savoyen in the revitalized building of the former [...] security (e.g. banknotes, passports, ID cards, etc.). "We presented a novel high-speed 3D imaging system perfectly suited for microscopic inline inspection of security features. This innovative approach [...] unit is required to calculate the surface normals," says Petra Thanner, an high-performance vision systems expert at AIT.
COVID-19 study from Artery Society and COST Action VascAgeNet
disease COVID-19, which is mainly dominated by respiratory symptoms, also affect the cardiovascular system on several levels. The Artery Society, supported by the AIT-led COST Action VascAgeNet (CA18216, [...] cardiovascular disease and COVID-19. It is assumed that the disease also affects the cardiovascular system and accelerates the ageing of our blood vessels. How exactly cardiovascular events and COVID-19 are [...] experts Dr. Bernhard Hametner and Dr. Christopher Mayer, both from the Competence Unit Biomedical System of the Center for Health & Bioresources. Further information and link to the expression of interest
Intelligente und zuverlässige kabellose Highspeed-Kommunikation für mehr Sicherheit im Flugverkehr
Airshow in England und auf der Red Bull Airpower im österreichischen Zeltweg. GNSS Tracking Antenna SystemFür den Betrieb unbemannter Luftfahrzeuge sind Kommunikationslösungen mit hoher Leistung und geringer [...] schnelle Datenverbindung über weite Entfernungen. Das von PIDSO entwickelte GNSS Tracking Antenna System (gTAS) garantiert diese stabile Verbindung durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Trackingalgorithmen [...] en und einer hochpräzisen direktiven Antenne. Durch das Plug & Play Konzept ist das System schnell und einfach für den praktischen Einsatz verfügbar. Das intelligente Antennensystem wurde in ein robustes
Vorarlberg IT specialists train in defence against cyber attacks on supply chains
supply network of four companies. This fictitious scenario resulted in the complete failure of the IT systems, ransom demands, media coverage that the company management could no longer keep track of and the [...] the complete loss of food supplies to the population. The aim of the exercise was to restore the systems to normal operation by the end of the exercise using emergency plans and communication strategies [...] interconnected via their supply chains, which also entails extensive branching of the necessary digital systems of the companies involved. Instead of attacking companies directly, criminals therefore use the more
Transport-Optimierung und FußgängerInnen-Steuerung in Zeiten der Krise
Am AIT Center for Mobility Systems wird an Mobilitätslösungen geforscht, die einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Bewältigung der Krise leisten können. Im Rahmen der APA-Science-Serie #CoronaAlltag haben die [...] „Vereinbarkeit von Mobilität und sozialer Distanz“ findet sich hier. Am AIT Center for Mobility Systems wird an Mobilitätslösungen geforscht, die einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Bewältigung der Krise leisten
16th ITI Symposium in Dresden
took place at the International Congress Center Dresden. This year’s overall theme was „Integrated System Simulation“. More than 150 participants from research and industry attended the meeting. SimulationX [...] programming language Modelica. The library can be used to simulate electric energy storages from cell- to system level. On the other hand, Thomas Bäuml and Dominik Dvorak represented the AIT Austrian Institute
How robotic systems can influence motivation in sport
Experience together with Profactor and the Sportunion NÖ are investigating the effects of physical robot systems on motivation in sport. The research project, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) [...] a potential robot-supported implementation of persuasion and coaching strategies (such as reward systems) could look like. "At the Center for Technology Experience, we are investigating in various projects