Study “5G Supply Market Trends”
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/study-5g-supply-market-trends
the 5G supply chain to support best-of-the-art cybersecurity and environmental standards defining energy efficient targets for 5G technologies and networks complemented by financial incentives for achieving
Presentation of the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda of the Horizon Europe Partnership "Clean Energy Transition" & "Driving Urban Transitions”
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Project „Social License to Automate 2.0” has started
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"We need a fast track for innovation"
- /en/blog/we-need-a-fast-track-for-innovation
Wolfgang Hribernik, Head of Center for Energy, outlined the two most important directions in which research must go: "The future energy system will be based on the two energy carriers electricity and hydrogen" [...] and use of "green" hydrogen, and on the other hand, on the integration of these technologies into energy systems in order to be able to exploit all the potential for the interaction of the different sectors
#SuccessStory: Standardised data access for all as the basis for Europe's energy future
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Learning & Adaptive Mechatronic Systems
- /en/solutions/learning-adaptive-mechatronic-systems
research focus in this area lies with the optimal control of electric drive systems. This incorporates: Energy optimisation with motor-specific online-adapted MTPA strategies. Lifetime and maintenance optimisation
Veronika Wilk: New Thematic Coordinator for Efficiency in Industrial Processes & Systems at the AIT Center for Energy
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International Multistakeholder Conference: CYBERSPACE, ENERGY & DEVELOPMENT
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Modellbasierte Analyse & digitaler Zwilling in der Produktion
- /en/loesungen/industry-decarbonisation-and-digitalisation/modellbasierte-analyse
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Thomas Fleckl Head of Competence Unit Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550 6616 thomas.fleckl(at)ait.ac.at
Integration neuartiger wärmetechnischer Technologien & digitaler Methoden
- /en/loesungen/industry-decarbonisation-and-digitalisation/integration-neuartiger-waermetechnischer-technologien-digitaler-methoden
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Thomas Fleckl Head of Competence Unit Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550 6616 thomas.fleckl(at)ait.ac.at
Auslegung & Entwicklung
- /en/loesungen/industry-decarbonisation-and-digitalisation/auslegung-entwicklung
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Thomas Fleckl Head of Competence Unit Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550 6616 thomas.fleckl(at)ait.ac.at
Efficiency in Industrial Processes & Systems
- /en/research-topics/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems
and the use of renewable energies. We are working on methods and technologies for a sustainable energy supply for industry with a focus on energy supply and consumption. The research area is concerned with [...] of the world's energy consumption and around 50% of CO2 emissions, the industry plays a major role in achieving the climate goals that require a drastic reduction in CO2 emissions, energy consumption and [...] Monitoring for the proof of efficiency increase and energy saving Design and operational optimization of industrial processes Cost optimization of industrial energy systems: Process scheduling, heat recovery,
Publications & Patents
- /en/research-topics/cooperative-digital-technologies/publications-patents
Pombo, M. Drobics, N.M. Garcia, F. Florez-Revuelt: "Validation of a method for the estimation of energy expenditure during physical activity using a mobile device accelerometer"; Journal of Ambient In
Innovation Policy & Transformation
- /en/research-topics/innovation-policy-transformation
areas relevant for solving problems of our times. Among these are: mobility, demographic change, energy supply and security. Based upon international state-of-the-art research in area of innovation governance
FAQ - Application & Hiring process
- /en/career/application-process-hiring-process
Specialists in business management, econometrics and economics are highly sought after in the area of energy systems. We also offer "typical" commercial/administrative positions in office management, marketing
Sustainable & Smart Battery Manufacturing
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing
t and optimization with special focus on solvent-reduced water-based processing State-of-the-art energy-efficient cell assembly under dry room conditions Materials and components validation and prototyping
AIT Studien & Publikationen
- /en/ueber-das-ait/center/center-for-innovation-systems-policy/ioeb-innovationsfoerdernde-oeffentliche-beschaffung/ait-studien-publikationen
M. & Wasserbacher D. (2018) IÖB-Energie: Öffentliche Beschaffung für intelligente städtische Energielösungen [PPPI-ENERGY: Public procurement for intelligent urban energy solutions]. AIT Report | Auftr [...] Download Buchinger, E. (2017) IÖB wirkt! Innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung am Beispiel Plus-Energie-Bürohochhaus der TU-Wien. In: BMWFW & BMVIT (Hg.) IÖB Jahresbericht 2015/2016. Wien: Bundesministerium [...] Buchinger, E. (2017) PPPI works! Public procurement promoting innovation in the case of the plus-energy-office by the Technical University Vienna. In: BMWFW & BMVIT (eds.) PPPI annual report 2015/2016
Events & Vorträge
- /en/ueber-das-ait/center/center-for-innovation-systems-policy/ioeb-innovationsfoerdernde-oeffentliche-beschaffung/events-vortraege
Kommunale Beschaffung - Profitieren vom Beitrag zu Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit Eva Buchinger NÖ Energie- Umwelt Gemeindetag 6. September 2013, St. Pölten Landtagssaal Keynote: Sustainable and Innovation
Center for Digital Safety & Security
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-digital-safety-security
markets, such as the semiconductor industry, the automotive sector, critical infrastructures such as energy network and power plant operators, financial markets, as well as the security sector in the context [...] respect, the Center cooperates with international organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSZE), United Nations Office
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