Jochen Cremer appointed Principal Scientist at the AIT Center for Energy
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AIT wins ISGAN Secretariat and Operating Agent for the third time
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ERIGrid 2.0: 1st call for the use of 21 European Smart Grids Labs starts
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- /en/research-topics/digital-resilient-cities/projects/digital-information-models-for-the-planning-and-optimization-of-buildings-and-urban-energy-infrastructure
Guideline DIM4Energy (german) Download Guideline (German) pdf (5 MB) The results of the DIM4Energy project are summarized in a guide. The considerations focus on the following use cases Dynamic energy certificate: [...] DIM4Energy DIM4Energy Digital information models (DIM) play an increasingly important role in planning and decision-making processes as well as for the operational optimization of cities, districts and [...] (BIM) to Urban Information Modeling (UIM). The DIM4Energy project focuses on digital information models for planning and optimizing buildings and urban energy infrastructure. An important element of the project
Friederich Kupzog is new Head of Center for Energy
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Energy Communities
- /en/solutions/network-operators-energy-service-providers/energy-communities
Energy Communities Energy Communities Energy communities will play an important role in the energy system and in the decarbonization of energy supply in the future. Both citizen energy communities and [...] of the energy-relevant assets in an energy community Integration of heat in energy communities Provision of algorithms for consumption and generation forecasting and tools for optimizing energy management [...] implementation concepts for energy communities Business model development for the stakeholders involved (energy suppliers, grid operators, operators of the energy community, participants) Conceptual design
Energy Markets & Energy infrastructure
- /en/solutions/energy-markets-energy-infrastructure
Energy Markets & Energy infrastructure Transformation of energy markets and energy infrastructure Designing a climate-neutral energy system requires a comprehensive transformation of energy markets and [...] impacts of the energy transition, and derive clear policy recommendations. Evolving energy markets Energy markets face significant challenges. The integration of renewable energy sources, including electricity [...] future-proof energy markets and contributes to the development of sustainable solutions. Energy infrastructure policy A successful energy transition requires a robust and flexible energy infrastructure
Integrated Energy Systems
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems
Integrated Energy Systems Integrated Energy Systems The research area Integrated Energy Systems at the Center for Energy deals with issues related to the generation and integration of renewable energy sources [...] ly successful operation of a sustainable energy system. Energy markets - flexibility for markets and networks The main research topics of the Integrated Energy Systems include techno-economic analyses [...] flexibility in the electricity system and the evaluation of energy system and market models and their effects on energy markets. The introduction of energy communities as new electricity players of the future
Center for Energy
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-energy
Center for Energy The AIT Center for Energy is developing solutions designed to ensure a innovative energy supply for the future At the Center for Energy, up to 300 experts are working on the energy system [...] overview of our contributions to a sustainable energy system with innovative solutions and technologies. Our Topics Energy Infrastructure, Industrial Energy Systems and Cities & Built Environment Our Solutions [...] topic portfolio is based on three central systems: Public Energy Supply Systems, Industrial Processes and Cities & Built Environment. The energy sector is subject to a profound transformation process. The
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/localres
LocalRES EU energy policy aims to deliver energy to consumers at affordable prices, enhance security of supply, and decarbonise the energy sector. According to the new Clean Energy Package (2018) consumers [...] active role in the EU energy system, leveraging on the possibilities offered by renewable energy. EU has set a target to reach a share of at least 27% renewables in final energy consumption by 2030, with [...] meet affordable energy prices. The focus of LocalRES is on Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) as main actors to lead the structural change towards the decarbonisation of the local energy systems through
Integrated Energy Concepts
- /en/solutions/circular-building-solutions/integrated-energy-concepts
integrated energy concepts for cost- and energy-efficient implementation of renewable energy sources for individual buildings and neighborhoods In order to solve energy challenges in the target triangle of economic [...] Integrated Energy Concepts ENERGYbase, Vienna: building performance simulation, proof of concept, HVAC design optimization, monitoring Innovative energy concepts Design and planning support of integrated [...] already necessary in the conception phase. The Center for Energy combines competencies and methods from the fields of thermal and electrical energy systems, photovoltaics, electromobility and urban transformation
Energy Conscious Cities & Regions
- /en/solutions/digital-resilient-cities-and-regions/energy-conscious-cities-regions
Energy Conscious Cities & Regions We help authorities, private businesses and energy providers to develop their energy futures on national, regional and urban level. Combining a strong knowledge on urban [...] urban energy planning with a strong technological understanding, we design energy transition plans for regions, low-carbon action plans for cities and innovative energy concept for districts. In our approach [...] public. Our Services Urban & Regional Energy Transformation We design, assess and visualise possible decarbonisation pathways, urban energy transition plans, energy neighbourhood conzepts, urban mitigation
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimisation-energy-logistics/projects/aade
with renewable energy and the planning and implementation of suitable energy supplies. The project AADE – Alternative Antriebe und deren Energieversorgung, investigates the future energy demand by traffic [...] transport sector, energy consumption modelling, hydrogen in the transport sector, and energy network planning and decentralized supply. For this purpose, comprehensive modelling of the local energy demand for [...] and evaluated for both the energy demand assessment and solutions for energy supply. These challenges require extensive competencies and previous work from the mobility and energy sectors, which are contributed
Geothermal heating and cooling networks for industry, commerce and residential buildings
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/geothermal-heating-and-cooling-networks-for-industry-commerce-and-residential-buildings
geothermal energy has great potential to cover part of this energy demand. Industrial use of geothermal energy in the Gmunden dairy farm The processing of milk in large dairies requires a lot of energy for heating [...] reduces energy consumption at the same time. The high energy requirements of industry, commerce and households pose a major challenge for achieving climate targets. As a sustainable form of energy generation [...] Martin im Mühlkreis, the project focuses on converting the energy-intensive brewing process to the use of geothermal energy and other energy efficiency measures. Project partners The CASCADE consortium
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/integrity
thermal energy communities can succeed, what the actual effects of energy communities are on the power grid, how energy communities can participate in the energy market. Furthermore, the team4.energy platform [...] IntEGrity Integration and Diffusion of Energy Communities The IntEGrity project aims to effectively integrate energy communities into the overall energy system to facilitate the wide diffusion of these [...] optimal further development of energy PROJECT START January 2024 PROJECT DURATION 36 months Project partner AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Sozialbau AG Energie Kompass GmbH Fachhochschule Technikum
Energy system modelling
- /en/solutions/network-operators-energy-service-providers/energy-system-modelling
Energy system modelling Energy system modelling In search of suitable solutions for decarbonization, an integrative view of the energy system is necessary, taking into account all energy sources and their [...] Austrian energy system, which is used for long-term forecasts of energy prices and the development of technology and decarbonization scenarios. It allows the simultaneous consideration of several energy sources [...] Impact analyses of changes in energy market design and regulatory and policy frameworks OUR METHODS Our experts have several in-house developed and open-source tools for energy system modeling at their disposal
Implementation Plan IKES
- /en/research-topics/innovation-policy-transformation/projects/implementation-plan-ikes
the Integrated Energy Research Offensive in Climate and Energy Strategy (IKES) The overall objective of this project is to support the development of an implementation plan for the energy research initiative [...] in the Austrian Climate and Energy Strategy. 14 Innovation objectives and 38 innovation activities for three missions Positive Energy Districts, integrative regional energy systems and Break-Through T [...] national Energy and Climate Plan of Austria to the EC. More Information: https://www.nachhaltigwirtschaften.at/de/e2050/highlights/mission-innovation-austria-fokusgruppen.php Key Words: Energy Research
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/reformers
“renewable energy valleys” can become the optimal energy system for small to medium-sized industrial sites close to residential areas. The REFORMERS (Regional Ecosystems FOR Multiple-Energy Resilient Systems) [...] REFORMERS initiative lies the evolution of Local Energy Systems (LES) into Renewable Energy Villages (REVs) by fully satisfying their yearly local energy requirements through the harnessing of renewable [...] Renewable Energy Research Centres Gemeente Alkmaar HVC Energie en Hergebruik Hynoca INVESTA Expertise Centrum KONIN Tu Plynie Energia Kozani Municipality Holzwelt Murau NAPE National Energy Conservation
Network Operators & Energy Service Providers
- /en/solutions/network-operators-energy-service-providers
model of the energy system enabling the combined assessment of energy markets and the energy infrastructure. Read more District heating and cooling AIT supports network operators and energy service providers [...] Network Operators & Energy Service Providers Tailored solutions for the energy sector The electrification of energy consumption and increase of distributed generation pose challenges to the electric power [...] Read more Energy Communities Clear trends towards increasing self-sufficiency and local consumption are being observed and push renewable energy communities to become a part of the future energy system.
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-power-plants/projects/cells4energy
cells4.energy Regional energy cells as multi-energy real laboratories for a rapid system transition In order to achieve the political targets such as 100% renewable electricity in 2030 or 100% renewable [...] of renewable energies. In the continuation, the focus is now extended towards a decentralized digital renewable energy system for regions and neighbourhoods. To this end, the cells4.energy project is developing [...] ion of the effectiveness of user interventions via an app in terms of energy efficiency and energy savings By implementing energy cells on a regional scale, long-term growth prospects for these technologies
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