Zivilcourage: Julia Himmelsbach im Puls4 Interview
Im Alltag ergeben sich oft Situationen, die Zivilcourage oder Hilfeleistung erfordern. Passant*innen müssen meist innerhalb von Sekunden entscheiden, ob und wie sie in einer Gefahrensituation eingrei
AIT TX Meet-Up: Smart Home (copy 1)
Wir möchten Sie recht herzlich zu unserem AIT Technology Experience (TX) Meet-Up „Extended Reality: Den Einsatz von AR- und VR-Technologien erfolgreich gestalten“ am Donnerstag, 23.08.2018 einl
AIT TX Meet-Up: Social Engineering
Wir möchten Sie recht herzlich zu unserem AIT Technology Experience (TX) Meet-Up am Donnerstag, 05.07.2018 einladen. Warum scheitern so viele neue Technologien? Ein Hauptgrund ist die mangelnde Akzep
AIT TX Meet-Up: Smart Home
Wir möchten Sie recht herzlich zu unserem AIT Technology Experience (TX) Meet-Up „Extended Reality: Den Einsatz von AR- und VR-Technologien erfolgreich gestalten“ am Donnerstag, 23.08.2018 einl
Center for Vision, Automation & Control bei der World Money Fair 2018
Transport Research Arena 2014 in Paris
IDC Big Data and Datacenter Transformation Roadshow in Wien
Webinar: Electric Vehicle User-Centric Design for Optimized Energy Efficiency
On February 17th and March 3rd, 2021, a two-session clustering workshop will be held within the framework of the Horizon 2020 projects QUIET (coordinated by AIT) and DOMUS (coordinated by IDIADA). Bo
[Translate to English:] 12. Austrian Innovation Forum
Responsible Research & Innovation approach for transitioning the traditional industry regions into digitalized industry territories
The EU project DigiTeRRI empowers 3 traditional industry regions to harness the opportunities presented by digitalisation. The project has co-created a framework and roadmaps for a responsible transi
AIT erreicht Platz 3 in der Kategorie Bildung bei Österreichs besten Arbeitgebern 2023 im TREND-Magazin
Wir freuen uns, dass das AIT im diesjährigen Ranking der besten Arbeitgeber Österreichs, das vom TREND-Magazin in Zusammenarbeit mit Statista, kununu und Xing durchgeführt wurde, den hervorragenden 3
- /en/research-topics/acoustics-and-noise-abatement-in-the-transport-sector/projects-1-1-1
Projects BIOINFORMATICS PerSAIDs Info ERA PerMed PIMIENTO Info WWTF Immuniverse www.immuniverse.eu EU-IMI BIOMAP biomap-imi.eu EU-IMI EPITHYDIA Info EU - Eurostars LIBIDA Info FFG - BRIDGE ThyroidGX I
- /en/solutions/molecular-diagnostics/assay-development-and-validation-1-1-1-1
Partners Major Academic Partners: Medical University Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna University of California, Los Angeles Christian-Albrechts University Kiel Bernhard Nocht Institute
Molecular Diagnostics Team
- /en/research-topics/molecular-diagnostics/molecular-diagnostics-team-1
Molecular Diagnostics Team In the Competence Unit Molecular Diagnostics we are a team of 50 scientists and 40 PhD students. Our laboratories are located in Vienna and our expertise includes areas such
- /en/research-topics/molecular-diagnostics/bioinformatics-1
Bioinformatics Today’s personalized medicine is based on in-depth knowledge of the genetic and epigenetic repertoire of diseases and the availability of novel agents for targeting altered genes and pa
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Bioinformatics Bioinformatics Today’s personalized medicine is based on in-depth knowledge of the genetic and epigenetic repertoire of diseases and the availability of novel agents for targeting alter
System Integration & Point of Care Devices
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System Integration & Point of Care Devices System Integration & Point of Care Devices Human and animal health are currently in a transition, where evidence-based rapid therapeutic intervention and sel
Diagnostic Biosensors
- /en/research-topics/translate-to-english-bioresources/translate-to-english-improving-plant-vigor-1-1-1
Diagnostic Biosensors Diagnostic Biosensors The rapidly aging society in the industrial countries calls for new solutions for the health care of the future. Telemedicine, eHealth and personalized medi
Infectious diseases
- /en/research-topics/molecular-diagnostics/infectious-diseases-1
Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases still pose one of the greatest threats to human health. Although breakthroughs in their control have been achieved in recent decades through
- /en/solutions/molecular-diagnostics/assay-development-and-validation-1-1-1-1
Partners Partners Major Academic Partners: Medical University Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna University of California, Los Angeles Christian-Albrechts University Kiel Bernhard Nocht
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