- /en/research-topics/ai-machine-learning
finding custom solutions to their specific problems. Data Management & Analysis Big amounts of data play a central role in machine learning . The data to be used to parametrise or build a model are oftentimes [...] rapid increase in computational power and available data over the last two decades. We use machine learning to assist existing models, especially for data-driven system control and for problem-solving where [...] accounting for their peculiarities. In addition, data may contain all kinds of errors. Some easy-to-detect errors are identified and eliminated during data cleaning or pre-processing . Other errors are more
Big Data & Industrie 4.0
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Innovation Dynamics & Modelling
- /en/research-topics/innovation-dynamics-modelling
develop new datasets for different questions using Big Data and Horizon Scanning methods. Moreover, we actively contribute to Open Science supporting FAIR data. Methodologically, we focus on network analytic [...] development and maintenance of large-scale data infrastructures on the other, providing a solid basis for empirical insights into innovation dynamics. With our data infrastructures, we contribute to the largest [...] emerging research fields and technologies as well as trends, using publication and patent data and increasingly also data from social media. Projects Innovation Dynamics & Modelling Projects × Kontakt Formular
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
- /en/research-topics/data-science-artificial-intelligence
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Within the Data Science workflow, AI is becoming an ever-more important technique for the analysis of heterogeneous data, whether [...] information. The DSAI team applies Data Science methods and tools to provide AI applications at scale as a basis for automated support to better understand the data. AIT’s Data Science & Artificial Intelligence [...] Explainable AI Multimodal AI Natural Language Processing Graph Analysis Big Data High Performance Computing Research Topics Data Science for Public Security read more Industrial Analytics read more En
Responsive Cities & Regions
- /en/solutions/digital-resilient-cities-and-regions/responsive-cities-regions
processes together with local stakeholders, using the latest digital planning tools (based on AI and big data) to make complex problems visible, negotiable and financeable. How can we -for example- activate
Open radio access networks (O-RAN)
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/projects-1/open-radio-access-networks-o-ran
industry concept or philosophy that combines existing technologies including virtualization, AI, big data, commercial off-the-shelf parts, and open interoperable interfaces from different vendors. The O-RAN
IWCEE 2018 – machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data
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ADV Convention - Big Data 2017
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SPARKS - Smart Grid Protection Against Cyber Attacks
- /en/research-topics/smart-grid-security/projects/sparks-smart-grid-protection-against-cyber-attacks
security standards. Furthermore, key smart grid technologies will be investigated, such as the use of big data for security analytics in smart grids, and novel hardware-supported approaches for smart meter (gateway) [...] which maintain stable operation in the face of attack or disruption. Real-time network monitoring and data analysis is essential for building advanced SCADA-specific intrusion detection systems – SPARKS will
- /en/research-topics/numerical-simulation/projects/opt1mus
complex decision-making process of foundry workers, RISC Software GmbH, as a research institute for big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning, has been entrusted with the development of an advisor
GPEC 2020
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-digital-safety-security/fairs-events/gpec-2020
developed. Public security Using AI, Big Data Science and modern sensor fusion techniques, forensic tools are developed for the analysis of large amounts of image and video data for the fight against terrorism [...] replicated IT environments that reflect realistic requirements and to train defence and countermeasures. Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (AI) The AIT is specialized in AI-based detection technologies in
- /en/themen/cooperative-digital-technologies/projekte/ai4trees
und Landschaft UMWELTDATA Gesellschaft m.b.H. Know-Center GmbH Research Center for Data-Driven Business & Big Data Analytics GeoVille Informationssysteme und Datenverarbeitung GmbH E.C.O. Institut für [...] which can nowadays being monitored with the latest measurement equipment.For that reason and since data availability has increased substantially, AI technologies have become increasingly popular in recent [...] extensive forest monitoring network in Austria respectively all over Europe. Within the network, growth data is available on different time scales allowing studying different aspects of growth dynamics: phy
Research for a more livable city
- /en/blog/research-for-a-more-livable-city
- InFraReD for short. At its core, it involves a platform based on artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data and augmented reality (AR) that holistically simulates mobility in urban planning for existing and
Norbert Brändle represented the AIT in the OECD roundtable on Big Data in transport
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AIT Guest Lecture with Prof. Yee LEUNG
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Award for AIT Startup Initiative
- /en/blog/award-for-ait-startup-initiative
economic added value. To support this process, an entrepreneurship program entitled "Time to think big - Explore, connect and start your business!" has been restructured and strengthened in recent years [...] therapy for chronically ill people. In this telehealth system, the patient transmits his or her vital data via app to the attending physician or therapist, who monitors developments and makes therapy adjustments
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/amigos
AIT’s Mobility Observation Box and an application for the collection of new mobility data, which will feed a big data platform for their analysis and digital twins to visualize mobility scenarios. They [...] AIT will perform a before/after study for the ten safety improvement areas collecting real traffic data with the Mobility Observation Box (in ten cities across Europe). Isabela Erdelean, mobility expert
Network Analysis
- /en/research-topics/data-science-artificial-intelligence/solutions-services/network-analysis
complex systems, including data networks but not limited to that. By enabling the analysis of highly-dimensional data with both real-time and large-scale requirements, AI and big data principles and platforms [...] design scalable online and offline data mining and machine learning-based techniques and platforms to monitor and characterize extremely large volumes of network traffic data and carry out NTMA. Network Quality [...] services from the standpoint of the end user or service customer. AIT’s AI-based Internet-QoE relies on big data analytics to generate useful user-centric insights from large-scale network measurements, even under
Geo-spatial big data analytics
- /en/research-topics/mobility-data-collection-and-analysis/geo-spatial-big-data-analytics
Geo-spatial big data analytics Geo-spatial big data analytics Developing technically sound and efficient solutions for mobility data collection and analysis from machine-generated sensor data poses multiple [...] tion network datasets, and intuitive visualization of both raw data and analyzed mobility data. AIT has profound competencies in big data and geo-spatial database management, statistical learning, and [...] Patterns in Cell Phone Data "; Transportation, 42 (2015), 4; 597 - 623. M. Ulm, P. Widhalm, N. Brändle: " Characterization of mobile phone localization errors with OpenCellID data "; in:" 4th International
Wanted: Antibodies against the coronavirus
- /en/blog/wanted-antibodies-against-the-coronavirus
early as the next few weeks. What is already clear is that "our antigens have very good specificity data," says Binder. If everything goes according to plan, the regulatory performance evaluation review [...] test provides quantitative information: it can be used to determine an antibody titer. "That's the big advantage of our test," Jung says. However, there is no advantage without a disadvantage: the multiplex
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