Digital urban planning know-how for the Frankfurt skyline
short time. The innovative achievement behind this is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data for the calculation, which was developed in the AIT City Intelligence Lab. "With our specific know-how
Norbert Brändle represented the AIT in the OECD roundtable on Big Data in transport
The “Use of Big Data in Transport Models Roundtable” of the OECD International Transport Forum (ITF) determined the most relevant use cases for Big Data in the modelling of transport demand and transport [...] (US Department of Transport, Bureau of Transportation Statistics) and explored the possibility of Big Data to complement or replace traditional travel surveys, reflecting how many trips people make, to which [...] be published by the ITF End of January 2021. More information on https://www.itf-oecd.org/big-data-transport-models-roundtable
AIT Urban Academy training on smart urban development and management
integrated sustainable urban development, urban governance, low-carbon strategies and technologies, big data exploration, and urban resilience. The participants got the chance to gain practical and theoretical
Junior Alpbach workshop on fake news
the countermeasures which are available to combat disinformation. They also explored the topics of big data – taking the People’s Republic of China as an example (e.g. social rankings) – as well as questions [...] assess and distribute content, today and in the future.” Philipp Agathonos: “China recently described big data as the diamond mines of the 21st century, and is investing billions in research and development [...] bodies should have access to private data. If we are to remain competitive, here in Europe we must quickly master the balancing act of protecting our private data while making this valuable resource available
Best Paper Award to AIT Experts for Cyber and Physical Systems
detailed local information and proportionally limited view on the bigger picture. Conversely, the big picture avoids complicating details, and as such displays the system components as atomic “black boxes” [...] each of which have their own group of experts and management processes. We identify a small set of data items that is required about the physical and cyber parts of a system, along with a high-level description
TX Day 2019
Sichtweisen Impulsvorträge: User Experience QualitätsmodelleZukünftige InteraktionsformenSynergie von Big Data und Experience OptimierungExperience mit neuen technologischen Entwicklungen (z.B. Automatisierung)
AIT Lecture Series: Mobility Systems
Mobility Data Analytics, included an invited course during 2018 ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science. He has participated in a number of research projects related to Data Science and Big Data, with EU [...] Mobility Data Analytics (MDA) are overviewed, including data acquisition, processing, and mining aspects. Current trends in MDA, such as semantic / holistic trajectory modelling and big mobility data management [...] Professor of Data Science at the Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Greece. He serves or has served at the editorial boards of ACM Computing Surveys (2016-) and the Int'l Journal on Data Warehousing
AIT Experten auf dem European Big Data Value Forum
in der Session „Using big data to fight internet-organized crime“ Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse aus den H2020-Projekten TITANIUM und DANTE. DANTE zielt darauf ab, automatisierte Data-Mining und Analyselösungen [...] Von 12. bis 14. November fand das European Big Data Value Forum in Wien statt. Das Forum ist eine wichtige europäische Veranstaltung für Wirtschaftsförderer, BranchenexpertInnen, ForscherInnen und politische
Scientific conference on Digital Health in Vienna chaired by Günter Schreier
came to Vienna to discuss current challenges and future solutions in the fields of digital health, big data and telemedicine. This years’ motto: Biomedical meets eHealth – From Sensors to Decisions: was covered
AIT Guest Lecture with Prof. Yee LEUNG
Leung will also examine how the ever-evolving ICT and IoT can facilitate urban sensing, and how big data such collected can be analyzed to support decision making. The talk will be substantiated by some [...] With the advancement of information and communication technology, data have become ubiquitous, multisource, multitype and multiscale. Acquisition and analysis of such information has become an important
TEDxVienna Adventure at the Technology Experience Lab: The Type to Prototype
prototype and see how a potential customer would experience the product. In a real life scenario, these data would then be used to refine, improve or trash a prototype. The act of critical making in the end [...] ranged from the “icebreaker” jewelry used to connect and exchange digital information and emotions at big events, toys reading a baby’s emotions, algorithms coloring texts automatically corresponding to the
USE-iT: H2020 Project Focusing on Transport Infrastructure Is Successfully Concluded
quality of life. Simultaneously, advances in sensors, mobile communications, smart ticketing and ‘big data’ offer the potential for customers to become an active part of the transport operations system and [...] modes. These safety-related challenges have been identified: Availability and sharing of high-quality data across transport modesHuman factors and safety educationImproving safety performance at national
Training Workshop for IRAN delegation at AIT
the application of ICT for Smart cities, urban governance, low-carbon strategies and technologies, big data exploration, and environmental resources and technologies. All items were considered against the
14. FORUM INNOVATION: Impulsvortrag von K.-H. Leitner
Innovation“ ging es vor allem darum, einen Blick in die Zukunft von Innovation zu riskieren: So werden Big Data und Artificial Intelligence die Art und Weise ändern, wie die Entwicklung neuer Produkte und Dienste
AIT ist Partner von Event Horizon 2017
skalierten Datenverarbeitung und arbeitet an der Etablierung von voraussagenden Analyseverfahren für Big Data. Dr. Ross King ist Leiter der Forschungsgruppe und hat nationale und internationale Forschungsprojekte [...] Center for Digital Safety & Security in den letzten Jahren gezielt wissenschaftliche Expertise im Data Science Kontext aufgebaut. Die Forschungsgruppe erforscht und entwickelt quantitative Methoden und
Privacy & Security Konferenz 2016
wichtige Säulen der Verordnung, die für einen klaren Umgang im Spannungsfeld zwischen Datenschutz und Big Data sorgen soll. Harald Leitenmüller von Microsoft Österreich betonte in seinem Vortrag, dass der I
Industrieforum Niederösterreich: Cybersecurity – Digitalisierung ohne Datenklau
hochkarätigen Experten Fragen rund um Themen wie digitale Geschäftsmodelle, virtuelle Industriespionage, Big Data und Cloud Computing, zu stellen. "Die Digitalisierung bietet viele Chancen, um unsere Produktivität
Mobile Revolution
certain parts of the city and certain transport modes online. The more people and devices turn into data suppliers, the earlier you can react – and also forecast, in a further step, what can be expected [...] logistics in the city. Further development of electric drives and batteries is, therefore, also a big topic. Linkwww.zeroemissioncities.at
IoT-Fachkongress 2017: Vortrag von Wolfgang Ponweiser
findet in Wien der von Austrian Standards veranstaltete IoT-Fachkongress 2017 statt. Unter dem Motto „Big Data, Cloud, Datenschutz & Co – mit Standards zum Erfolg“ greifen Expertinnen und Experten wie
ADV Convention - Big Data 2017
Analytics: Virtual Currencies as Big Data". Venue EURO PLAZA Gebäude G Am Euro Platz 2 1120 Vienna Austria More information: https://www.adv.at/Events/Event-Items/ADV-Tagung-Big-Data-2017 [Translate to English:] [...] Huge amounts of data - and its benefits? The use of Blockchain as a database opens up new possibilities. At this year's Big Data event of the ADV on 21.09.2017 we will take a closer look at this exciting
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