Parlamentarischer Abend „40 Jahre Energieforschung“ am DLR
arbeiten“, sagte Uwe Beckmeyer, parlamentarischer Staatssekretär beim Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) in seiner Grußbotschaft. In einer Diskussion betonten Dr. Joachim Pfeiffer, Mitglied des [...] Ministerialrat und Referatsleiter im Bundesministerium für Umwelt und Bernhard Milow, Programmdirektor Energie im DLR die Relevanz von internationalen Kooperationen und der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Industrie und
European Project “AWARD” to Autonomize Heavy-Duty Vehicles
the implementing partners for the further course of the project. In addition, the AIT (Center for Energy and Center for Technology Experience) will develop a comprehensive technical fleet management system
IMAGINE21 - “Be the Change!“ digital technologies for people and environment
on. With the motto "Be the Change", the programme includes digital innovations on topics such as energy efficiency, artificial intelligence, health, new business models and smart cities and regions. The
Presentation of the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda of the Horizon Europe Partnership "Clean Energy Transition" & "Driving Urban Transitions”
Center for Energy (Helfried Brunner) was involved in the identification and preparation of the 8 Research & Innovation Challenges: CETP Challenge 1 "Optimised integrated European energy systems" [...] heating and cooling solutions" CETP Challenge 5 "Integrated Regional Energy Systems" CETP Challenge 6 "Integrated Industrial Energy Systems" CETP Challenge 7 "Integration in the built environment" CETP [...] At a side event of the SET-Plan Conference 2020, the two Horizon Europe Partnerships "Clean Energy Transition" and "Driving Urban Transitions" will present their strategic research and innovation agendas
Kick-off for International Research Project „CO-TRAIN“
The neurocognitive disease is often coupled with phenotypic criteria like low grip strength, low energy, slowed walking speed, low physical activity and/or unintentional weight loss. If 3 of the named
AIT yearbook "Discussing Technology" on the topic of transformation
groups is crucial for success. Energy transition In the ongoing restructuring of our energy system ("Energiewende"), the next important step in the eyes of energy researcher Wolfgang Hribernik is to [...] renewable energies and the corresponding infrastructure. On the other hand, there is an increased sector coupling - for example between electricity and heat (via heat pumps) or between energy and process [...] aspects, numerous specific areas are discussed in which the transformation manifests itself - from the "energy turnaround" and smart urbanisation to new forms of mobility and production and topics such as the
existing energy research databases via modern web technologies and provides analysis tools on a community platform. In the EERAdata WORKSHOP II: "FAIR AND OPEN METADATA FOR LOW CARBON ENERGY RESEARCH" [...] the involvement of many database operators, starting with the areas of energy efficiency of buildings, electricity grids, energy-relevant materials, and policy strategies and measures. This platform supports
Das war "Girls! TECH UP 2016"
ernehmen wie A1, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, APG, Kapsch, ÖBB Infra, Verbund und Wien Energie stellen. Viel Spaß und Erfolg hatten die Mädchen an den zahlreichen Mitmach-Stationen: Löten mit [...] eines virtuellen Kraftwerks ("Hilf mit, den Stromausfall zu verhindern!") am Stand des AIT Energy Department und der Demonstration von solar betriebenen Windmühlen und Krabbeltieren. Total begeistert
ERIGrid H2020 project wins RGI "Good Practice of the Year" award
environmentally sensitive grid development to enable further steady growth of renewable energy and the energy transition. More Information: About the award: [...] The ERIGrid H2020 project, coordinated by AIT Senior Scientist Thomas Strasser, AIT Center for Energy, is the winner of the Renewable Grid Initiative’s (RGI) “Good Practice of the Year” award in the category [...] ERIGrid. The award ceremony was taking place online on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020 in context of the 6th Energy Infrastructure Forum, the Copenhagen Forum 2020, organized by the European Commission, DG ENER. In
AIT project "GrazLog" wins HERMES 2019 Transport Logistics Prize
of goods delivery in cities causes congestion on the roads, considerable pollution and noise, high energy consumption and, last but not least, increased transport costs. To make the last mile of delivery
"Heisenberg under the microscope"
quantum level. Its movement was deliberately slowed down until it assumed the state of lowest possible energy. The measurement method almost reached the limit set by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle – physics
The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have strengthened their close cooperation of several years in the development of technologies, processes and
Qunatum technologies “made in Austria” – AIT coordinates pilot project of european quantum communication initiative (QCI)
Magnus Brunner, State Secretary of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), signed the EuroQCI Declaration on behalf of Austria in [...] transmission of control signals used to operate critical infrastructure (telecommunication networks, energy supply). These activities are intended to protect Europe’s digital data economy against present and
UN-Conference in Astana: “Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Energy”
2017 “Future Energy” on 10 June 2017 in Astana. The conference focused on energy security, trade and infrastructure, the energy-climate and food nexus, and the development of renewable energy in a regional [...] Schneider from Center for Energy presents at UN-conference The Ministerial Conference “Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Energy” & and the 8th International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development [...] delegations and leading energy experts explored how to drive change, the role of and need for regional cooperation and planning. Astrid Schneider from AIT Center for Energy held during track II Smart
Stakeholder workshop on the topic of "Microplastics in agricultural soils".
l chamber of Lower Austria (LK NÖ) Environment Agency Austria (UBA) Institut für Umwelt & Energie, Technik & Analytik e.V. (IUTA) Wageningen University & Research Bündnis Mikroplastikfrei
Extending the lifespan of bridges: Alois Vorwagner interviewed by the "Presse" newspaper
minimize the environmental impact of renovations. "There is enormous potential here for saving costs, energy and materials. Our work therefore makes a direct contribution to reducing the environmental impact
"Pro-Imagine": Novel processing methods for magnesium forming
processing of magnesium is to be facilitated by optimising forming processes and achieving significant energy savings. While cast components made from Mg are now state of the art, formed products made [...] particularly relevant because the optimisation of the forming process should also lead to significant energy savings."
Digitalization as a driving factor: LKR coordinates new COMET project "ProMetHeus"
implemented. The challenges in metal processing are manifold and range from high energy prices coupled with highly energy-intensive processes to the availability of primary materials and a shortage of skilled [...] approval for the COMET project "ProMeTheus" (Production and processing of metals for high-performance, energy efficiency, environmental protection and sustainability), a comprehensive research project in the [...] in the metal and plastics processing industry. The use cases include innovative processes for the energy-saving deep drawing of titanium alloys, the reforming of in-house and end-of-life scrap (recycling
AIT Energy Department organized a „Real-Time Simulation“ Workshop
Partner. The electric energy supply system is facing a fundamental systemic change, due to the large-scale integration of distributed energy production units, based on renewable energy resources. This requires [...] (C-HIL) Verfahren als innovative Lösungsansätze angewandt. Unter der Arbeitspaketleitung des AIT Energy Departments diskutierten zwanzig ForscherIn-nen namhafter europäischer Institutionen (EDF, KEMA, [...] (P-HIL) or Controller-Hardware-in-the-Loop (C-HIL) methods are used as an innovative approach. With AIT Energy as a WP leader twenty renowned researchers of important institutions (EDF, KEMA, TECNALIA, NTUA,
„Smarter Together“ gewinnt VCÖ-Mobilitätspreis
sp;die Stadt Wien Smart City Lösungen. Ziel ist die jährliche Einsparung von 6.000.000 kWh Energie und Vermeidung von 550 Tonnen CO2-Emissionen. Neben E-Mobilität und Logistik liegen die [...] sichergestellt. Zum Gewinn des VCÖ-Preises meint Projektleiter Hans-Martin Neumann vom AIT Center for Energy abschließend: „Das EU-Projekt ‚Smarter Together‘ verfolgt einen stark integrativen Planungsansatz