Sustainable Mobility for Airport ConnectivitySMAC Strategies for decarbonizing district heatingProject - ENABLE DHC IESoptEin flexibler Modellierungsrahmen für die Energiesystemoptimierung Geothermal heating and cooling networks for industry, commerce and residential buildingsThe NEFI research project CASCADE is developing concepts for the geothermal... 100% renewable Pinzgau BM RETROFITHolistic modernisation concepts for biomass-based district heating networks CityStore Studie CO₂-Transportnetz in Österreich, CCU, CCS DeRiskDH fit4power2heat Flex+ H&C Markets Heat Highwayinterregionale Wärmeübertragungsnetze HeatMineDH HoWaFlex2Market HyperrideDC – AC-DC hybrid grid for a modular, resilient, and high RES-share grid... H2Real Industry4Redispatch Project INNOnet IntEGrity Climate Neutrality Roadmap Baden LocalRES Project Marktprämien 2.0 Memphis 2.0 Plan4.Energy REFORMERS SECURESzuverlässige, nachhaltige und kosteneffiziente Stromversorgung SYSPEQ T2LowEx TEMPO TwinVECTOR Wind power potential in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania