- /en/themen/cooperative-digital-technologies/projekte/batwoman
848M EU Projektcoordinator : AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Consortium Partners : AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Karlsruhe Institute of Technology University of Duisburg-Essen CIDETEC
Concreting under traffic for efficient bridge rehabilitation
With the consortium consisting of ASFINAG, ÖBB, MA 29, PORR, STRABAG, HABAU, Doka, IBBS-ZT GmbH, KMP-ZT GmbH and Mayer Ingenieurleistungen ZT, Smart Minerals und AIT can refer to comprehensive expertise [...] concreting under traffic. As a link between science and the construction industry, Smart Minerals GmbH is focusing for the first time in the project on concrete technology on the relationship between the
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/count
With the consortium consisting of ASFINAG, ÖBB, MA 29, PORR, STRABAG, HABAU, Doka, IBBS-ZT GmbH, KMP-ZT GmbH and Mayer Ingenieurleistungen ZT, Smart Minerals and AIT can refer to comprehensive expertise [...] ait.ac.at Project partners Smart Minerals ASFINAG ÖBB MA 29 PORR STRABAG HABAU Doka IBBS-ZT GmbH KMP-ZT GmbH Mayer Ingenieurleistungen ZT [...] concreting under traffic. As a link between science and the construction industry, Smart Minerals GmbH is focusing for the first time in the project on concrete technology on the relationship between the
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimization-logistics/projects/physical
und Logistik GmbH Project-S Global.Web.Shop GmbH & Co KG Prime Mobility & Consulting GmbH 4PL Intermodal GmbH Stranzinger Logistik Service GmbH doppler E. Doppler & Co GmbH Variocube GmbH Cargo-Center-Graz [...] Technik GmbH bitsfabrik GmbH niceshops GmbH Pro Danube Management GmbH A1 Digital International GmbH Wiener Lokalbahnen Cargo GmbH Technische Universität Graz AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Publications
- /en/themen/cooperative-digital-technologies/projekte/ai4trees
Institute of Technology GmbH Consortium Partners: Bundesforschungs- und Ausbildungszentrum für Wald, Naturgefahren und Landschaft UMWELTDATA Gesellschaft m.b.H. Know-Center GmbH Research Center for Data-Driven [...] Business & Big Data Analytics GeoVille Informationssysteme und Datenverarbeitung GmbH E.C.O. Institut für Ökologie Jungmeier GmbH. × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail *
- /en/themen/cooperative-digital-technologies/projekte/icaria
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/integrity
Project partner AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Sozialbau AG Energie Kompass GmbH Fachhochschule Technikum Wien IVALU GmbH Watt Analytics GmbH Funding tool Technologies and innovations for the
- /en/themen/cooperative-digital-technologies/projekte/maia-1
way for further innovation in this field. Projektkoordinator AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Projektpartner Freiwillige Feuerwehr Pinkafeld Landesfeuerwehrverband Steiermark BOC Products & Services [...] 2021 Duration : 01.11.2022 - 31.10.2024 Project Coordinator : AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Projekt Partners : BOC Products & Services AG Disaster Competence Network Austria - Kompetenznetzwerk
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/syspeq
Technology GmbH (Projektleitung) Sozialbau AG Gemeinnützige Bau- u. Wohnungsgenossenschaft „Wien-Süd“ eingetragene Genossenschaft m.b.H. Energie Kompass GmbH WEB Windenergie AG LIMOTUS GmbH Fachhochschule
- /en/research-topics/digitalisation-and-hvac-technologies/projects/heatharvest
2019 Project Duration 18 months Project Partner AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH TERRA Umwelttechnik GmbH Geologische Bundesanstalt Funding tool The project was carried out within the framework
AIT receives ÖGUT Environmental Award!
It is the first practical implementation of the AIT research project "Heat Harvest - Harvesting urban solar waste heat from buildings and surfaces to avoid summer overheating of the city." "We are ve
Miniaturised 3D scanner
Autonomous Systems Center for Vision, Automation & Control AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Giefinggasse 4 | 1210 Wien | Österreich M +43 664 88390027 monika.riedl-riedenstein@ait.ac.at | ait
- /en/research-topics/digitalisation-and-hvac-technologies/projects/sozial100erneuerbar
months Project partner AIT Austrian Institute of Technlogy GmbH Schöberl & Pöll GmbH Wohnbauvereinigung für Privatangestellte Gemeinnützige GmbH (WBV-GPA) Funding Tool The project was carried out within
Climate Neutrality Roadmap Baden
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/climate-neutrality-roadmap-baden
start February 2023 Project duration 18 months Project partner AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Municipality of Baden bei Wien Funding tool Lighthouses for resilient cities 2040 – Call 2022 × Kontakt
- /en/themen/integrated-energy-systems/projects/twinvector
Zlín AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Bavarian Research Alliance GmbH (BayFOR) Funding tool HORIZON-WIDERA-20
Stakeholder workshop on the topic of "Microplastics in agricultural soils".
surveys on the occurrence of microplastics. After visiting the composting plant of Brantner Österreich GmbH Krems-Gneixendorf, the workshop participants exchanged views in a World Café on the NETmicroplastic [...] education and teaching. NETmicroplastic‘s core network partners: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GMBH (AIT), Austria HBLA und Bundesamt Klosterneuburg Wein- und Obstbau WasserCluster Lunz University
Safety Operation Center Workshop at the Digital Factory Vorarlberg
digitization questions, please contact: Dr. Robert Merz Research Director Digital Factory Vorarlberg GmbH T +43 (0)5572 949 649 4 robert.merz@vactory.at | vactory.at Mag. (FH) Michael Mürling Marketing
opt1mus: Digital Assistance Systems For Process Optimisation in Continuous Aluminium Casting
accompanying simulations that can ensure just that. The company HPI High Performance Industrietechnik GmbH, a partner of the LKR, brings many years of experience in the construction of continuous casting plants [...] provide well-founded support for the complex decision-making process of foundry workers, RISC Software GmbH, as a research institute for big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning, has been entrusted
- /en/research-topics/numerical-simulation/projects/opt1mus
Institute of Technology, Center for Technology Experience HPI High Performance Industrietechnik GmbH RISC Software GmbH [...] accompanying simulations that can ensure just that. The company HPI High Performance Industrietechnik GmbH, a partner of the LKR, brings many years of experience in the construction of continuous casting plants [...] provide well-founded support for the complex decision-making process of foundry workers, RISC Software GmbH, as a research institute for big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning, has been entrusted
Real lab on the power grid
March. Within the framework of this project, the partners 4ward Energy Research GmbH, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Energy Services Handels- und Dienstleistungs GesmbH, Kraftwerk Glatzing-Rüstorf [...] ory involvement of the grid users, which is organised by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Doris Wilhelmer from the Center for Innovation Systems & Policy). Within the framework of the
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