- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/secures
future electricity system to ensure a reliable, sustainable and cost-efficient power supply in times of climate change. The basis for this is provided by detailed climate and energy system modeling and intensive [...] to meet those needs, as well as address economic efficiency, taking into account investments and system and policy costs. This model-based research process will be transparent, including discourse with
Arc fault testing
- /en/solutions/power-system-technologies/high-voltage-and-high-power/arc-fault-testing
management of arc faults. With our experimental arc fault testing, we offer comprehensive tests for systems with a capacity of up to 120 MVA. Arc Faults Arc faults in low-voltage and medium-voltage network [...] conduct risk assessments for existing installations and evaluate arc fault incidents to ensure all systems comply with current safety standards. Standardized Procedures for Arc Fault Testing Various national [...] with EN 62271-200 and -202 as well as IEC/TR 61641, we provide comprehensive testing services for systems with a capacity of up to 120 MVA. Laboratory High voltage and high power laboratory and testing ×
Implementation Plan IKES
- /en/research-topics/innovation-policy-transformation/projects/implementation-plan-ikes
innovation activities for three missions Positive Energy Districts, integrative regional energy systems and Break-Through Technologys for industry are described by 120 innovation stakeholders in Austria [...] at/de/e2050/highlights/mission-innovation-austria-fokusgruppen.php Key Words: Energy Research, Energy System, Climate, Strategy, Implementation Plan Start: 12/2018 Dauer: 7 months Funded By: Federal Ministry
Left object detection
- /en/research-topics/surveillance-protection/video-analytics/left-object-detection
belongings left behind in a mantrap access control setup. The system generates events with the location and size of the detected objects. The system operates based on 2D image data and depth information. This
WHole Battery
- /en/research-topics/thermophysics/projects/whole-battery
subsequent system simulations for the innovative cooling concepts. Start: 04/2019 Duration: 2 Years More Information : https://www.ait.ac.at/en/research-topics/sustainable-thermal-energy-systems/projects
Multi-Modal Artificial Intelligence
- /en/research-topics/data-science-artificial-intelligence/applied-artificial-intelligence/multi-modal-artificial-intelligence
and combining information from multiple modalities to develop higher-level cognitive AI systems. These systems learn from the correlation of e.g. audio and visual events and provide advanced models, e
AFarCloud 2
- /en/research-topics/dependable-systems-engineering/projects/afarcloud-2
not only new robotics platforms but also incorporating to the aforementioned framework the legacy systems already deployed in the farms. Farming is facing many economic challenges in terms of productivity [...] e.g., digitally controlled farm implements and even unmanned aerial vehicles. However, current systems still have significant drawbacks, in terms of flexibility, efficiency, robustness, sustainability [...] More specifically, the project demonstrated how new IoT technologies and in general mechatronic systems can cooperate in real-world farm scenarios to provide a common framework for the development of related
- /en/research-topics/cooperative-digital-technologies/projects/ilike
existing command and control systems. This is ensured through cooperation with the manufacturer of the Austria-wide standardized operational command and communication system. Project Coordinator Institute [...] solutions or concepts exist for integrating such open sources and channels into existing management systems. THE PROJECT iLiKe deals with the design of an intelligent situational awareness portal, which should [...] Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Information Systems, Graz University of Technology clemens.gutschi(at)tugraz.at Project partners Institute for Empirical Social Research (IFES) GmbH Federal Ministry of
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/aeneas
there is a huge variety of different systems and manufacturers in the market, VRS usually need type approval from National Road Authorities (NRAs). Approved systems and their respective characteristics [...] inspections Road safety barriers, i.e. steel or concrete barriers, also referred to as Vehicle Restraint Systems (VRS), are key road infrastructure elements contributing to roadside safety by preventing errant [...] model-based rail fitting scheme will be used for collision detection within a tramway assistance system (Bombardier-AIT joint development). This concept will be re-used and adapted for the task of road
Molecular Biological Lab & DNA Bank
- /en/labs/translate-to-english-molecular-biological-lab-dna-bank
Automated liquid handling systems (ISO 9001: 2008) enable safe, efficient and precise high-throughput DNA extraction and analysis. Our DNA bank with an integrated data management system is available for long-term [...] important biomolecular and protein / enzyme based biochemical techniques. We develop genetic marker systems using modern multi-omics technologies (genomics, transcriptomics, phenomics) and the subsequent [...] plant material, fungi, bacteria, spores and viruses as well as the development of specific detection systems thereof. × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht
- /en/research-topics/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projects/sinfonies
Sinfonies Sustainability IN Flexibly Operated reNewable Industrial Energy System To achieve current climate and energy policy goals, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced and the share of renewable [...] E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Anton Beck Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 664 88390702 anton.beck(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-vision-automation-control/assistive-autonomous-systems/projects/intelligent-tramways-through-sense-learn-and-react
rolling stock operation. The aim of INTELLiTRAM is to create technology that enables novel assistance systems and, under certain circumstances, automated tram operation. The research approach is to develop modern [...] E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Christian Zinner Thematic Coordinator Assistive & Autonomous Systems Center VAC +43 664 8251360 christian.zinner(at)ait.ac.at Funding
- /en/solutions/automated-driving/reference-projects/autodrive
Safety & Security analysis, model-based testing, and development of an ECS (Electronic Components and Systems) Architecture for secure Over-The-Air-Updates for fail-aware, fail-safe, and fail-operational components
- /en/themen/hocheffiziente-leistungselektronik/projekte
Development of a modular electric vehicle platform for a commercial truck RISE Research Inverter SystEm STRIVE A high-power three-phase traction inverter with wide band gap semiconductors
Auslegung & Entwicklung
- /en/loesungen/industry-decarbonisation-and-digitalisation/auslegung-entwicklung
hern gepaart mit dem umfangreichen Wissen in der Modellierung und Simulation ganzer Anlagen und Systeme ermöglicht uns, die optimalen Lösungen für Ihr Projekt zu finden. Unser Spektrum reicht von Mate [...] und Entwurf von Steuerungs- und Regelungskonzepten für elektrische, thermische und mechanische Systeme. Prüfstände Analytische Methoden Referenzprojekte HighButane 2.0 – Hochtemperaturwärmepumpe - De [...] Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Thomas Fleckl Head of Competence Unit Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550 6616 thomas.fleckl(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/acoustics-and-noise-abatement-in-the-transport-sector/laboratories
vibration measuring system with evaluation software Artificial head for binaural measurements and psychoacoustic analyses Self-developed data analysis and simulation software CPX trailer system Noise barrier [...] Laboratories Laboratories The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology has a complete system of measurement equipment and software for acoustics. This includes special measuring vehicles and trailers, test
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/localres
new Clean Energy Package (2018) consumers shall be entitled to have an active role in the EU energy system, leveraging on the possibilities offered by renewable energy. EU has set a target to reach a share [...] (RECs) as main actors to lead the structural change towards the decarbonisation of the local energy systems through the involvement and awareness-raising of citizens and communities. LocalRES will develop [...] E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Tara Esterl , MSc, MSc Head of Competence Unit Integrated Energy Systems (IES) +43 (0) 50 550 6077 tara.esterl(at)ait.ac.at Key Data Project Start: 2022 Duration: 4 Years
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/heatminedh
Institute of Technology GmbH EURAC HAWK University University of Zagreb SOLID Solar Energy Systems NODA Intelligent Systems Euroheat & Power Johanneberg Science Park Coordinator: EURAC [...] fossil fuels by an increased use of renewable energy sources and waste heat. This results in heating systems that are more resilient and environmentally friendly. The HeatMineDH project will thus support district [...] planning for feasibility studies and investment plans to greener, smarter, and more resilient energy systems. The project's impact is anticipated not only in achieving sustainability goals but also in contributing
IEA HPT Annex 58
- /en/research-topics/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projects/iea-hpt-annex-58
heat pumps with grid temperatures higher than 100°C, are a central element in the future energy system. In order to increase the use of high temperature heat pumps in industry, this project will provide [...] * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Sabrina Dusek Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550 6440 +43 50550 6679 sabrina.dusek(at)ait.ac.at Key Data Project duration: 01/21 - 04/24
Experience Tools
- /en/solutions/experience-tools
new technologies and measure both the technical and experienced quality of digital applications, systems and infrastructures continuously at large scale and optimize end-user experience on behalf of predictive [...] for Technology Experience support you in developing the right tool for your technology, process or systems to optimize it and increase the possibility of a positive user experience. × Kontakt Formular Pf
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