AIT at Noise Awareness Day
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Extending the lifespan of bridges: Alois Vorwagner interviewed by the "Presse" newspaper
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Transport Research Arena 2024
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Assets4Rail - Research for the railways of the future
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U2xU5 Line Interchange – An Added Value for Vienna
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SENBRIDGE: Satellite-based bridge monitoring for ASFINAG
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Rail4Future: Start of the COMET project
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PV-SÜD: Staatssekretär Bilger präsentiert vom AIT geleitetes Projekt
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Ein neues dynamisches Lastmodell für Eisenbahnbrücken
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Dr. Christian Chimani at the 10th vie-mobility Symposium
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Five-part series about mobility research at AIT
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Dynamic measurements on Austria's oldest railway bridge
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Online public voting for the VCÖ Mobility Award 2020 has started
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Marian Ralbovsky hält Baudynamik-Vortrag bei BASt-Symposium
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Brückentagung 2019: Gastvortrag von Alois Vorwagner zu „Betonieren unter Verkehr“
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Tag gegen Lärm
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„Kooperative Verkehrssysteme und der Mensch“
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European Researchers‘ Night 2018: AIT zeigt innovative Mobilitätslösungen
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Lecture by Christian Stefan on the "RISKANT" project
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Vortrag von Philippe Nitsche beim ÖVG-Forum
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